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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

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Messages - outerran

Track Editing / Re: 3ds max question texturing
June 10, 2013, 12:05:20 PM
Thanks Aritz. When using lofting I did make the segment for the line.
, but I didn't define it as a separate object to loft it separately.
so the line is part of the road poly. My problem is now tiling correctly the line bitmap onto that poly stripe. The bitmap has to be aligned, for example like putting concrete tiles of the same size along the road on that stripe. Not sure if I'm clearer now.
Track Editing / 3ds max question texturing
June 06, 2013, 07:40:43 AM
Is there an easy way to tile a bitmap to follow the shape of a selected poly? I need it to follow the white line of the track. UV map - Face does only half of the job, because it affects also the length of the bmp, and I want equal length patterns. Tks
General Discussion / Re: Nordschleife Link
June 05, 2013, 07:23:27 AM
Hopefully not with the kart.   ???
WRS cars are a very nice ride there. My only wish is that smbd converted the GTR EVO to WRS. Much smoother and higher quality in general.
Thanks guys for the help. Finally managed to ride my strip of bumpy asphalt.   :)
I'll keep counting on your kind support in the process of building my first track :)
Thanks for the help but it's not enough. When I use the export plugin, it generates only the edf file, not the trp , map. Which files I need to have exported to open the track in krp  and how to get them generated correctly. Thanks for helping out.
Hello there,

could someone help with a short tutorial on how to quickly bring unfinished tracks into krp from 3ds max. What is the minimum you have to have done, to be able to drive on it? I want to see how the track feels in-game.
are you guys doing a lot of trial and error: adjust in 3ds max, test in krp, readjust in 3ds max, etc?
Guys, noob question: how do I import the project from BTB to 3DSMax. Doesn't seem straightforward to me. Thanks a lot.