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Topics - Thalenberghen

Track Editing / Secondary texture with Add Blending
August 26, 2011, 01:23:24 PM
I want to ask if there's a way to have a secondary texture with "Add" Blending. Most rfactor tracks use this quite heavily for adding details or something like that, so it would be cool to have it in KRP too. In the wiki I could only find Multiply Blending, but this makes it way darker if the original is Add, so I thought I'd ask how the other Converters solved this  ???
Thanks for any advice  8)
Track Editing / 3ds max Scene doesn't export
August 24, 2011, 04:11:22 PM
As the title states, I currently try to convert a track to KRP, but since I importet the last batch of objects to the scene, the .map file doesn't want to export anymore.
The log stays like this all the time:

"NOTE:: Starting log.
Unit scale: 1.000000"

, and you can see very soon (after 20sec or so) that the exporter doesn't do anything anymore. You can just click away the log, but no output has been generated...I already tried alot of things, but I can't seem to get it working. I think the problem might be that my scene is very large (my last .map file that worked was around 120mb), and that this is causing some problems, because earlier, whithout all the track objects loaded, it worked flawlessly. Are there any limitations for the number of objects or materials the exporter can handle? Especially the trees seem to be a problem, as I really added alot of them lately.
Help would be really appreciated.... thanks  8)
Suggestions and wishlist / Results Monitor
January 06, 2011, 07:04:08 PM
Two small improvement i'd suggest for the results tab:
1) I think it's a bit confusing, that people, who are not anymore on the server, are still listed in the results. I'd propose to either delete them completely, or even better, mark them in some way (i.e. different color), so that you see, who is still there and who left. Then you also don't have to go to the chat everytime, to check who's still there.
2) In my oppinion it would also be better if the analysis tab was switched on yourself by default. It's a bit annoying to go through the whole field, to find your times, which are the ones, you are likely to be interested in , the most.
General Discussion / 1000th post...
January 05, 2011, 10:54:25 PM
... and I hope there's alot more to come. Grats PiBoSo, you did a really good job on this game. Only thing that's missing are some organized races on a good server with low pings, but I think thats were the community comes in ;).