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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Dedicated server

Started by PiBoSo, June 19, 2010, 11:38:45 PM

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I found the problem I had a space between the - and dedicated.....
It works great now :-[


i tryed to make a dedicated server but when i push "world" i have the message "connection time out"

this is dedicated.ini

name = oppolo
maxclient = 5
password =
admin_password =
bandwidth = 1 ; 0 -> low, 1 -> medium, 2 -> high
MOTD = ; message of the day

results =  0 ; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where results will be saved ( must exist )
units =  0 ; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> English units

save = 0 ; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where replays will be saved ( must exist )

track = essay ; track ID ( for ex. rye )
category = open ; kart category allowed. Empty -> Open; KC1, KC3, KS1

class = ; A -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999; C -> 1200-1599; D -> 800-1199

realistic = 0 ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = 0 ; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = 20 ; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = 0 ; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = 0 ; meters/second

force_cockpit = 1 ; 0 or 1
no_aids = 1 ; 0 or 1

quick_race = 0 ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, practice, sighting lap and warmup lap are skipped
practice_length = 60 ; minutes
qualify_length = 60 ; minutes
sighting_lap = 0 ; 0 or 1
warmup_lap = 0 ; 0 or 1
race_length = 20 ; % of full length
restart_delay = 30 ; server restart time in secon


First of all: Hi to all & thanks for this great game :)
We've already had great fun in the last 2 days ;)

We already set up a server (bierbuden.de) and it works quiet nice.
Now there are some points which i didn't figured out reading and searching the forums:

1. Do we still need this patch? I patched the EXE now but haven't tested it ingame (will do so tonight). I downloaded the install of krp3 yesterday in the morning from the mirrors, so i don't know if this already includes the patched exe.

2. Is there a max_client limit? It's a really huge machine were the dedi is running on ;)

3. Are there known problems if someone drives a skin online that you don't own/have installed? Because we drove on the server yesterday night and had no problems for a few hours with 5 to 7 different people. But one time two people joined and we kept getting black screens and gamecrashes during they were on the server. So we setted up a 2nd server with a password with the same track (Essay) and the same (KS1) Karts and we could join it without any problems for the rest of the evening, also drive some of the AddOn-Tracks and didn't notice any problems.

4. Is there a known problem with the Max_Ping? Sometimes (mostly short after session-changes) the pings were shown with values @ about 700 to 900, a minute later they are back to normal (20 to 200).

5. (Seems to be more a bug): One or two times it happens that everyone gets disqualified after hit "To Track" during the 1 minute pre-start. Is this known and experienced by other people to or is it more a problem with the server-config? A few other starts "worked smooth" as far as i can say as a big krp-starting-rules noob ;)

Our server-config:

name = bierbuden.de
maxclient = 15
password =
admin_password = xxx
bandwidth = 2; 0 -> low, 1 -> medium, 2 -> high
max_ping = ;
MOTD = Herzlich Wilkommen; message of the day

results =  0; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where results will be saved ( must exist )
units =  0; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> English units

save = 0; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = ; the directory where replays will be saved ( must exist )

track = Essay; track ID ( for ex. rye )
category = KS1 ; kart category allowed. Empty -> Open; KC1, KC3, KS1

class = ; A -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999; C -> 1200-1599; D -> 800-1199

realistic = 1; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = 0; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = 25; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = 0; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = 0; meters/second

force_cockpit = 1; 0 or 1
no_aids = 1; 0 or 1

quick_race = 1; 0 or 1, if set to 1, practice, sighting lap and warmup lap are skipped
practice_length = 5; minutes
qualify_length = 10; minutes
sighting_lap = 0; 0 or 1
warmup_lap = 0; 0 or 1
race_length = 50; % of full length
restart_delay = 30; server restart time in seconds

Thanks already for some helpful replies :)


1.) Argh... classic iFail ;) We use the patched one now on the dedi. Thanks for the hint ;)

To the 3rd point: We also recieved the CTD at exactly the same time. Two different machines in two different locations. We were both driving on the track in qualy and recieved the CTD at the same time. We have installed a few AddOn-Tracks (Dijon, Amsterdam in&out, Kerpen, Goldenport) but none of the additional skins.


Quote from: Hubschrauber on June 07, 2011, 12:35:07 PM
First of all: Hi to all & thanks for this great game :)
We've already had great fun in the last 2 days ;)

We already set up a server (bierbuden.de) and it works quiet nice.
Now there are some points which i didn't figured out reading and searching the forums:

1. Do we still need this patch? I patched the EXE now but haven't tested it ingame (will do so tonight). I downloaded the install of krp3 yesterday in the morning from the mirrors, so i don't know if this already includes the patched exe.

2. Is there a max_client limit? It's a really huge machine were the dedi is running on ;)

3. Are there known problems if someone drives a skin online that you don't own/have installed? Because we drove on the server yesterday night and had no problems for a few hours with 5 to 7 different people. But one time two people joined and we kept getting black screens and gamecrashes during they were on the server. So we setted up a 2nd server with a password with the same track (Essay) and the same (KS1) Karts and we could join it without any problems for the rest of the evening, also drive some of the AddOn-Tracks and didn't notice any problems.

4. Is there a known problem with the Max_Ping? Sometimes (mostly short after session-changes) the pings were shown with values @ about 700 to 900, a minute later they are back to normal (20 to 200).

5. (Seems to be more a bug): One or two times it happens that everyone gets disqualified after hit "To Track" during the 1 minute pre-start. Is this known and experienced by other people to or is it more a problem with the server-config? A few other starts "worked smooth" as far as i can say as a big krp-starting-rules noob ;)

1. Yes, the build is not updated ( yet )
2. The maximum number of clients is 50, but it also depends on the number of pit slots
3. If a paint is missing, default one is used
4. Max Ping is an experimental feature, that appears to have problems


5. I don't think you face a bug but rather the sensitiveness of the automatic disqualification, because I was there when you got disqualified a few times and I could start the race normally.
Did it just happen at Essay?

If so, you might have been rolling backwards on the starting grid, so that's enough for a disqualification.
At Essay, hold the brakes and don't move your steering wheel until the formation lap starts.


Thx for the replies so far!

@alphafloor: This was my problem on the first evening. Even if you are in neutral you aren't allowed to push the gas... But yesterday it was different. As i pushed "to track" the screen turned black for half a second and i got back to the chat etc. and was DQ for a jumpstart. I didn't get a chance to see the track.  No pedal was pushed and the wheel wasn't touched (like i learned the night before hehe). But everyone gots disqualified for a jumpstart in this session (4 or 5 people), and it seemed like they were also disqualified directly after pushing "to track".
And yes, it only appeared on Essay so far, but i have not been driving much else til now... I still need to find 2 seconds there with the ks-1 ;)



today i tried to start a dedicated server, but it does not work correctly.
I have created a dedicated.ini in default folder and a new kart.exe shortcut like this: "C:\Programme\Kart Racing Pro\kart.exe" -dedicated 10600 -set params dedicated.ini
The Problem is that the Server doesn't use the information i write in dedicated.ini. It is always set on 20 Users and track Lonato.
I don't know what i am doing wrong.



Can someone post a tutorial on how to make a server? Maybe a video? It would be greatly appreciated!
Ricciardo Kart
AI Motorsports


Everything you need to know for a dedicated server is explained here in this thread.

Maybe it's easier to use your gaming pc as a server for a first start.

- Note the IPv4 address of your pc and setup two port forwardings (UDP 10600 and UDP 10610) in your router to the IPv4 address of your pc.
- Make sure, that kart.exe is not blocked by a windows or antivirus firewall.
- Start KRP --> Race --> World --> Host World --> Continue --> choose a track and maybe change settings --> Start

Now your friends can join your server and drive with you. 


Is there any way of changing track or of skipping to next session in a dedicated server without shutting it down?


Quote from: Sourpuss on August 30, 2011, 10:27:10 PM
Is there any way of changing track or of skipping to next session in a dedicated server without shutting it down?

It is possible logging as administrator, or starting a poll.


here is my ini file .. it seems to work if you are having trouble just copy and paste this .. make note there has to be that space in the files. For ex in my my in name it is name = Race For ten. make note of the = then the space then the text. if you put the text next to the = it seems to crash the exe.

name = Race For Ten
maxclient = 50
password =
admin_password = ADMIN
bandwidth = 2 ; 0 -> low, 1 -> medium, 2 -> high
MOTD = Welcome To RFT  ; message of the day

results =  1 ; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end

of the race
directory = C:\programm files\Kart Racing Pro\Results; the directory where results will

be saved ( must exist )
units =  0 ; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> English units

save = 1 ; 0 or 1, If set to 1 it will automatically save the full replay at the end of

the race
directory = C:\programm files\Kart Racing Pro\Replays; the directory where replays will

be saved ( must exist )

track = Lonato ; track ID ( for ex. rye )
category = KC1 ; kart category allowed. Empty -> Open; KC1, KC3, KS1

class = ; D -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999; C -> 1200-1599; D -> 800-1199

realistic = 1 ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = 0 ; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = 20 ; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = 0 ; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = 0 ; meters/second

force_cockpit = 1 ; 0 or 1
no_aids = 1 ; 0 or 1

quick_race = 0 ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, practice, sighting lap and warmup lap are skipped
practice_length = 120 ; minutes
qualify_length = 60 ; minutes
sighting_lap = 1 ; 0 or 1
warmup_lap = 1 ; 0 or 1
race_length = 100 ; % of full length
restart_delay = 30 ; server restart time in secon


what we have to add for weather settings? for example clear weather but wet track?