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December 21, 2024, 03:32:33 PM


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Grip Increase with profile.ini

Started by Michael Giles, May 20, 2014, 12:56:40 AM

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Michael Giles

Sorry for probably a question of massive redundancy!

Where do I make an Edit to increase overall grip,...is it in the Profile .ini?

Thanks in Advance!!

Michael Giles
Tomah, Wisconsin 54660

Birel-Rotax 42


In profile.ini, change the lines close to the bottom, titled "groove_multiplier, wet_multiplier"
Values can go up to 20x
groove_multiplier = 1
wet_multiplier = 1

Michael Giles

Thanks Very Much Birel-Rotax 42!

And by he way, my current Kart is a 2013 Birel RotaxMax DD2.

All I've ever owned are Birels,...

Cheers My Friend,
Michael Giles
Tomah, Wisconsin 54660

Birel-Rotax 42

I haven't driven much other (Arrow karts during cadet years) but a lot of this stuff comes from track support. Keep having fun!