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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Challenge Server

Started by PiBoSo, November 13, 2013, 10:37:10 PM

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November 13, 2013, 10:37:10 PM Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 11:04:15 PM by PiBoSo
To start a challenge server, launch kart.exe with the following params:
kart.exe -dedicated (port number) [-set params (config_file)]

for example:
kart.exe -dedicated 54410 -set params challenge.ini

Configuration file must be in installation path.
If not set SERVER.INI is used.

type = 1

name =
maxclient =
password =
whitelist = ; the filename of the whitelist
blacklist = ; the filename of the blacklist

results =  ; html or xml. If set it will automatically export results for each client at the end of the challenge
directory = ; the directory where results will be saved ( must exist )
units =  ; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> English units

name = ; the name of the event ( optional )
track = ; track ID ( for ex. Lonato )
track_layout = ; track layout ( for ex. Short ). Empty -> Default;
category = ; kart category allowed. Empty -> Open; KF1, KF3, KZ1, FS250, F100, MINI60

class = ; A -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999; C -> 1200-1599; D -> 800-1199

realistic = ; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = ; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = ; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = ; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = ; meters/second
track_conditions = ; 0 -> dry, 1 -> wet ( values in between like 0.5 are allowed )

force_cockpit = ; 0 or 1
no_aids = ; 0 or 1
limited_tyre_sets = ; 0 or 1
fixed_setup = ; 0 or 1
no_tucking = ; 0 or 1

type = ; 0 -> practice, 1 -> race
length = ; practice length in minutes
warmup_lap = ; 0 or 1
start = ; 0 -> default, 1 -> force the standing start, 2 -> force the rolling start
laps = ; race laps
max_tries = ; maximum number of tries for each client. 0 -> unlimited
max_time = ; maximum challenge time . 0 -> unlimited

enable = ; 1 or 2 to enable live timing. If set to 1, data is sent through UDP packets. If set to 2, data is written to a local file
port = ; the UDP port ( only used with "enable = 1" )
password = ;  ( only used with "enable = 1" )
file = ; the name of the file to write  ( only used with "enable = 2" )

enable = ; 1 to enable remote admin
port = ; the UDP port
password =

IMPORTANT: results are sent from the client to the server only at the end of the session, when the chat message "Server Data Transfer Start" and "Server Data Transfer End" are displayed.

The whitelist and blacklist use a text file using the following format:
guid = ........

guid = ........

steamid = ........
The GUID can be read in the "Profiles" page.
Optionally, it is possible to replace "guid" with "steamid", to use the Steam ID number instead.
Whitelist only: it is possible to set, for each entry, the name, add a prefix to the name ( for example a team "tag" ) and force the kart.
Also, it is possible to set a custom string, up to 18 character long, that is added to the XML results export.
guid = ........
name = ...
name_prefix = ...
kart_id = ...
extra = ........

In the challenge server text input it is possible to execute commands:
"!restart" to reset the server
"!whitelist update" to reload the whitelist file
"!blacklist update" to reload the blacklist file
Text can be sent to the challenge server from remote, too: http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=7736.0

NOTE: a license is not needed to start a challenge server.


I just wanted to test the new 'challenge' feature but so far I had no success.

Here my settings. KRP is installed in C:\Racing\KRP and challenge.ini is also there.

Server link:

Start in: C:\Racing\KRP\kart.exe -dedicated 26000 -set params challenge.ini
Target:   C:\Racing\KRP


name = Test;
maxclient = 20
password =
bandwidth = 2; 0 -> low, 1 -> medium, 2 -> high
whitelist = Whitelist.txt; the filename of the whitelist

results = html; html or xml, If set it will automatically save the full replay at the end of the race
directory = C:\Racing\_Results\KRP\Results; the directory where results will be saved ( must exist )
units = 0; 0 -> metric units, 1 -> English units

track = Essay;
track_layout = ; track layout ( for ex. Short ). Empty -> Default;
category = KZ1;

class = ; A -> 2000+, B -> 1600-1999; C -> 1200-1599; D -> 800-1199

realistic = 0; 0 or 1, if set to 1, following params are ignored
conditions = 0; 0 -> sunny, 1 -> cloudy, 2 -> rainy
temperature = 20; air temperature, celsius
wind_direction = 0; 0 -> north, 1 -> north-east, 2 -> east, ..., 7 -> north-west
wind_speed = 0; meters/second
track_conditions = 0; 0 -> dry, 1 -> wet

force_cockpit = 1; 0 or 1
no_aids = 1; 0 or 1
limited_tyre_sets = 0; 0 or 1

type = 0; 0 -> practice, 1 -> race
length = 5; practice length in minutes
sighting_lap = 0; 0 or 1
standing_start = 0; 0 or 1, if set to 1, it forces the standing start
laps = 5; race laps
max_tries = 3; maximum number of tries for each client. 0 -> unlimited

What I get looks like a normal race session:
All settings are ok except the values which I write in [challenge] section. Instead I get
Practice: 20 min
Qualify: 20 min
Race: 10%

What am I doing wrong? Why does it use the standard values of server.ini for practice/qualify and race? 


Quote from: dibu on November 17, 2013, 12:03:05 PM
I just wanted to test the new 'challenge' feature but so far I had no success.

Thank you for testing.
First post updated:

type = 1

was missing.

Please note that bandwidth setting is ignored in challenge servers.


Thank you now the server works as expected.

In my results folder I can find entry lists like 'date-time-track-GUID-nick-N-entries.html' but without recorded times.
At the end of each session a server transfer message appears in the chat.

This makes me think that you are running a challenge results server now. Where can we find it?
Can you please post more details, I'm very interested.

If the challenge feature does what I guess, it will be a great thing for the future ... thanks.   :)


November 17, 2013, 06:22:30 PM #4 Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 06:58:08 PM by PiBoSo
Quote from: dibu on November 17, 2013, 05:51:59 PM
Thank you now the server works as expected.

In my results folder I can find entry lists like 'date-time-track-GUID-nick-N-entries.html' but without recorded times.
At the end of each session a server transfer message appears in the chat.

This makes me think that you are running a challenge results server now. Where can we find it?
Can you please post more details, I'm very interested.

If the challenge feature does what I guess, it will be a great thing for the future ... thanks.   :)

The results are sent to the challenge server, that should export results ( if export is activated ).
Unfortunately there is a bug, so only XML exports are valid at the moment.

There isn't a master challenge server. Each challenge server admin is responsible for results handling.

Suggestions to make the challenge mode more user-friendly are welcome.


what is this this function?


The challenge mode has potential to become an official hotlap/race performance comparison server with additional options.
+ We can run hotlap challenges with limited laps /attempts
+ We can run race performance challenges with a certain number of laps /retries
+ We can limit the number of sinmultanous players to one, to let everybody start with the same grip
+ GUIDs are used for identifying a driver

The basic frontend is very flexible and a good start.

Atm there are some essential things missing:
- No automatic publishing of temporary/final results at an official stats page.
- It's a lot of work to generate final results from single xml files, especially if it's series of events.
- Atm the concept doesn't allow the use of live-timing ports because the results are transfered to the server only at the end of a session.
  [this means also that I can't connect it to Random's hotlap server]

The dream solution would be an official server which collects and displays the challenges in real time (I had hoped for it). It should be able to run series and display the actual standings.
I'm sure this would attract a lot of people for all 4 sims.


Quote from: dibu on November 18, 2013, 07:31:54 PM
The challenge mode has potential to become an official hotlap/race performance comparison server with additional options.
+ We can run hotlap challenges with limited laps /attempts
+ We can run race performance challenges with a certain number of laps /retries
+ We can limit the number of sinmultanous players to one, to let everybody start with the same grip
+ GUIDs are used for identifying a driver

The basic frontend is very flexible and a good start.

Atm there are some essential things missing:
- No automatic publishing of temporary/final results at an official stats page.
- It's a lot of work to generate final results from single xml files, especially if it's series of events.
- Atm the concept doesn't allow the use of live-timing ports because the results are transfered to the server only at the end of a session.
  [this means also that I can't connect it to Random's hotlap server]

The dream solution would be an official server which collects and displays the challenges in real time (I had hoped for it). It should be able to run series and display the actual standings.
I'm sure this would attract a lot of people for all 4 sims.

Thank you for the feedback.

Challenge mode was never meant to be linked to an official stats page.
The plan was to give users another possibility to organize leagues.

The plans for the future are:
- add final results export
- send laps as they are recorded, to allow live timing on the challenge server


Hello all.
Thanks PiBoSo for your realy great work. We have so much fun running on our "bitbox" server ...
Im trying to run a "Challenge-Server" ... It seems to run, but where can i find it / join to it?
Can't see it on "http://stats.kartracing-pro.com/servers.php";

Thanks for reply or help. Have fun as we have.  :o)
TopKart - IAME-Parilla 100 Membran (1999)
TopKart Twister 2014 Rotax Max Evo 2015
Games: GTR - Project CARS 1 / 2 - KRP - RaceRoom
intel i7 - asus - 64gb -1TB ssd - nvidia gtx1080 - win10pro - Fanatec - 3 x 24" 3D - Oculus VR


Quote from: roly on December 17, 2013, 05:00:39 PM
Hello all.
Thanks PiBoSo for your realy great work. We have so much fun running on our "bitbox" server ...
Im trying to run a "Challenge-Server" ... It seems to run, but where can i find it / join to it?
Can't see it on "http://stats.kartracing-pro.com/servers.php";

Thanks for reply or help. Have fun as we have.  :o)

Kart Racing Pro -> Challenge



July 24, 2015, 10:16:08 PM #11 Last Edit: July 24, 2015, 11:14:52 PM by PiBoSo
First post updated with info about the event name.


First post updated to:
- add the live timing section
- add the remote admin section
- add the steam ID option in whitelist and blacklist
- add the optional "extra" setting in the whitelist


First post updated to:
- add the whitelist settings
- change the whitelist and blacklist reload commands