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Fix Suggestions

Started by evo1087, June 02, 2011, 06:51:07 AM

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If you want to Finish First you have to Finish First!


+1* for "changing gear ratio for every single gear", very good point!


GhostriderPL do you do that in real life?  Difficult but you are right that would be good for tracks were you need to hold gears longer
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website

T.J. Koyen

Team MerlinUSA Factory Driver


Yes, i do that in real life when theres enough time for testing.......i like when the right gear has the right ratio for each track because in my opinion it helps in driving trough corners too...
If you want to Finish First you have to Finish First!



Quote from: Aritz on June 10, 2011, 09:02:50 AM
Here is forbbiden to change gear ratio....  -1
Aritz explicame que se refiere a esto x'd
A smooth race never made a skillful racer.


For the KS 1 :
I would like to be able to set the warm-up lap time, because for the current tracks, 5 minutes is too long, it ends up in a 1 min lap then 4 mins of waiting on the grid.
Or, a different logic that would stop the warm-up timing when all drivers are stopped in their grid positions, and launch the start lights.


Yes, but if you do more,your tires will more rapidly overheat during the race, so that's not so good...


Many practice in 1 server i mean
4 Practice of 10 minuts
1rst Practice 10 min
2nd Practice 10 min
3rd Practice 10 min
4th Practice 10 min

This make more releastic with real racing
A smooth race never made a skillful racer.


Two races format for a GP with one prefinal and one final.
Points as in WSK Euro Series for both races or something like that. It would be really cool to have the points classification after the two races.
And some smoke exiting from the exhaust at different rpm range!

Scott W

In the first post, you saying about taking look back away. Why? its part of every race it always happens...

the only thing i would suggest about it is being able to map which way the head turns when you press it. weather you have to buttongs assigned : 1 button - look back right (turns the head right) the 2nd button turns the head left.
OR: map it with the track when making the track or whatever you do so that when coming up to a right hand corner and you press back, the computer or game reads the right hand corner and turns the head right, instead of the usual left - that is the part that looks funny....drivers going into right hand corners while pressing look back and the head is turning left. LOL.

Also, im not sure if its possible, but is there away to make the recommended playing system requirements lower? my pc has everything well exceeeding the recomended seettings EXCEPT the graphics card, so the game lags unbearably. only thing stopping me from purchasing this game atm.

Great job so far.


I think we can disable look back and start using the heading buttons (look left and look right more realistically)  right now i dont use them at all except when pitting out.  For system requiremenets try lower resoltions and bit depth.  everything else low too.
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website

Scott W

Quote from: evo1087 on June 14, 2011, 07:31:00 AM
I think we can disable look back and start using the heading buttons (look left and look right more realistically)  right now i dont use them at all except when pitting out.  For system requiremenets try lower resoltions and bit depth.  everything else low too.
Everything is on low..but with the bit depth, what is that all about? sorry for bringing this up in here..im on 32 bit Win7 if that helps, and my screen reso is 1366 x 768 (which it is currently set to in game)

Because of this lag i am not able to see what the game is realy like. so desperate to get these issues sorted.

My current specs are
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit
Processor: Pentium (R) Dual-Core CPU      2.2GHz (2 CPUs)
RAM: not sure about this, but in DX Diag under System info byt he heading :Memory, it has 3072MB RAM
Video Card: Mobile Intel (R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family
Direct X Version: DirectX 11

So looking at those I am lead to believe that the video card is the only thing holding me back....