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December 21, 2024, 05:41:42 PM


Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Club 125 open

Started by composite.wave, March 02, 2015, 05:19:05 PM

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Greetings. I just this game january.  In the small spare time I decently sorted out a baseline KZ1 setup for most tracks.  So know I'd like to feel it out in some online competition.  I'm in North East USA and can make time in the afternoon or evenings or even early am except saturdays b4 7pm. I will be in KZ1 but others are welcome to 125 non shifters alternatives.  We can dialing a median bracket setting.

This will also be my 1st test with using the server.  I'm totally inexperienced on this so info & advice is welcome.

Tracks for me so far: lonato, sarno, ovr, dkc, chiva,  You are invited to add yours.

I'd like this to be a regular weekly thing.  Also I do ALOT of  online sportscar racing (I've been consistently racing online weekly since 2000 and still do!) and I'd like to set aside 1 day per month for some practice at the Nordschleife.

So to get this started please list 1. your name, 2. time frame (in usa est would be really helpful), 3.tracks