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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Kart Racing Pro beta6

Started by PiBoSo, March 28, 2012, 10:33:34 AM

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March 28, 2012, 10:33:34 AM Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 11:36:42 AM by PiBoSo
Kart Racing Pro beta6 released: http://www.kartracing-pro.com/?page=news

A clean install is strongly recommended.

Note: setups are not compatible with previous versions
Note2: replays are not compatible with previous versions


March 28, 2012, 10:34:50 AM #1 Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 11:26:07 AM by PiBoSo
A few additional release notes:
- air choking is visual only at the moment
- rain drops on visor were temporarily removed
- Left Ctrl + F to show / hide framerate counter
- if mapped on keys / buttons, it is now possible to press look left and right at the same time to look back

This build starts a partnership with AIM.

To properly test the physics, please remember that several laps are needed to leave some rubber on the track and have optimal grip.


What does "Full Heading" in the sim section change?


March 28, 2012, 11:20:32 AM #3 Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 11:22:28 AM by PiBoSo
Quote from: dibu on March 28, 2012, 11:14:56 AM
What does "Full Heading" in the sim section change?

It increases the look left / look right angle.


Thanks, this was the last missing translation for the new language file.

And thank you very much for Beta6 :)


Downloading now.. Will do some testing in the evening :)


I have tested now 2 hours ( 100laps) i got no crash till now all work fine. First laps was slippery and 25 - 30 laps later the rubber become visible and the grip become very good :) i drove with my setup a 43.36 on lonato, i tried to repruduce it. then i tested the default setup only changed to soft tires and adjusted the drivetrain and i drove a 43.01 in 3rd lap so the default setup is very very good now. The marbles are not so much, i think they are good now but i couldn`t test if it crash or not because too less marbles, they don`t stuck on tires till now. Gras stuck not so long on tires. Shifter drive very good with default setup, too. Now it is much easier to control a drift. downshifting is fast and u can force the rpm up to 18700 and all work no crash of engine. The Netcode is maybe perfect? i have to test later with some guys because now only 2 are online and they live far away from me so they have a ping from 400 so sure they lag a bit not much but also with this high ping it is possible to touch them and i can`t see a mm of air between the bumpers. So i think this is very awesome now and we can do very nice races.
All in one like always an awesome release.
More later


The Iceman Marco

Quote from: Schwoni on March 28, 2012, 11:57:34 AM
I have tested now 2 hours ( 100laps) i got no crash till now all work fine. First laps was slippery and 25 - 30 laps later the rubber become visible and the grip become very good :) i drove with my setup a 43.36 on lonato, i tried to repruduce it. then i tested the default setup only changed to soft tires and adjusted the drivetrain and i drove a 43.01 in 3rd lap so the default setup is very very good now. The marbles are not so much, i think they are good now but i couldn`t test if it crash or not because too less marbles, they don`t stuck on tires till now. Gras stuck not so long on tires. Shifter drive very good with default setup, too. Now it is much easier to control a drift. downshifting is fast and u can force the rpm up to 18700 and all work no crash of engine. The Netcode is maybe perfect? i have to test later with some guys because now only 2 are online and they live far away from me so they have a ping from 400 so sure they lag a bit not much but also with this high ping it is possible to touch them and i can`t see a mm of air between the bumpers. So i think this is very awesome now and we can do very nice races.
All in one like always an awesome release.
More later

It's a shame I've no time to test it at the moment. :( But Schwoni, do we need look for new best setups? Or does ours still work very good?

The Iceman Marco

March 28, 2012, 05:39:57 PM #9 Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 05:51:40 PM by The Iceman Marco
I did quickly installed krp and take a look on everything. One thing I noticed, why is the camber in mm now and not anymore in degrees? ???

More feedback about the physics etc from me will follow soon.

I found a small bug on Rye House. On this two places you can drives through the tires on the track.



Well i have small problem with this release. Game stopped recognizing all axises of my wheel or to be precise it recognizes 2 axises so i can have analog sterring and throttle or sterring and brake :( . I'm using very simple DIY device witch support 6-axises in windows controller properies they are called: X Axis/Y Axis, Throttle, Rudder, Dial, Slider. In game calibration option display "X" axis and 3 left axises work together as "Y". Tried changing in game files calib.txt controls.txt (copy paste from old game verison) but didn't seem to go anywhere with that.


March 28, 2012, 07:17:04 PM #12 Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 07:27:51 PM by PiBoSo
Quote from: DontLook on March 28, 2012, 06:11:44 PM
Well i have small problem with this release. Game stopped recognizing all axises of my wheel or to be precise it recognizes 2 axises so i can have analog sterring and throttle or sterring and brake :( . I'm using very simple DIY device witch support 6-axises in windows controller properies they are called: X Axis/Y Axis, Throttle, Rudder, Dial, Slider. In game calibration option display "X" axis and 3 left axises work together as "Y". Tried changing in game files calib.txt controls.txt (copy paste from old game verison) but didn't seem to go anywhere with that.

Could you please send calib.txt to support@kartracing-pro.com ?


Very nice, too bad I have absolutely no time for some laps of krp, can't wait to get my hands on it :)


Online works very well, no flying karts and bumper-bumper fights are possible :)
There is a lag when you exit to pits or when someone enters in the server though...

The shifting is almost perfect now, no need for improvements I think :D

I like the improvement of the ff problem when the kart is stopped, no more crazy wheel movements.

Tomorrow I will test physics, not tested enough yet ;)

Great patch!!