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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Portuguese (BR)

Started by Dan Buck, September 06, 2011, 01:39:42 PM

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Dan Buck

September 06, 2011, 01:39:42 PM Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 01:31:31 AM by Dan Buck
I just opened this thread to tell you guys I will start translating it to brazilian portuguese ok?! ;)
I will update this first post with news...


update 01 :: 06/09/2011
- first attempt on translating the sim (I hope everything is ok, but I'm quite sure I'm not making it with only one attempt :P)

update 02 :: 21/04/2013
- file was updated by user J. Junior (thank you sir!) to fit the Beta8 version of the sim
If I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on! :: If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.

Dan Buck

I don't know how interesting a portuguese translation would be for you guys but, here it is! :)

I am still testing! I only translated the words but I'm not sure if they are consistent with the correct meanings! ;)
Will update if needed...
If I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on! :: If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.

Bruno Saboia

Eu sou Brasileiro também, posso te ajudar, trabalho na Procuradoria Geral do Estado e tenho que saber bastante de português.


I'm Brazilian too, I can help translating because my job demands a good knowledge of portuguese.
"Racing, competing, is in my blood. Is part of me, part of my life".

-Ayrton Senna

Dan Buck

se puder testar o arquivo que eu subi no primeiro post e fazer as edições necessárias, será de grande ajuda!! :)


if you can test the file i've uploaded in the first post and make the changes needed, it will be a huge help!! :)
If I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on! :: If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.

Bruno Saboia

Como é o procedimento para instalação dos arquivos de tradução?


How do I install the language pack?
"Racing, competing, is in my blood. Is part of me, part of my life".

-Ayrton Senna


Look here:

4) Create a new directory named UI in Kart Racing Pro installation directory
For example: "c:\Program Files\Kart Racing Pro\ui\"

5) Move the new STR file to UI directory

6) Start Kart Racing Pro and select the new language ( Start -> Profiles -> Language ) to check that everything is correct.

Dan Buck

Meu arquivo de tradução ainda está cheio de falhas, Bruno!
Estou sem coragem e tempo ultimamente, mas um dia eu pego pra fazer a tradução bonitinha! :)


My translated file's got a lot of issues, typos, etc...
I've been working a lot lately so I lack time. But I'll get this 100% done suddenly! ;)
If I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on! :: If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.


É possível usar essa tradução ja ou não?
Herá moraes
Brazilian kart racer


E ai pessoal, ;D ;D comprei o game hj, legal saber que tem mais brazucas na área, tb me interesso na tradução pra pt-br, algum de vocês tem kart na real tb?


Nossa cara, muito bom saber que tem brs jogando, se quiserem jogar junto, só add no skype: kaduzera3

E gostei tambem de saber que estão querendo fazer ma tradução para pt-br, iria ajudar bastante....


Dan Buck

eu meio que interrompi o trabalho porque o arquivo da versão que eu tava traduzindo era incompatível com a que foi lançada recentemente, e todo trabalho foi em vão! rsrs
If I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on! :: If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.

J. Junior

Dan, eu ajustei o seu arquivo de tradução, para a nova versão beta 8.

Acertei os campos que faltavam e alterei outros para uma tradução que eu entendi ser de melhor entendimento.

Baixa e testa e depois acerta o link do 1º post.

Vlw.. Abraços...

Adriano Augusto

Dan Buck

Valeu Junior!

Thanks a lot, man!! OP updated properly!!
If I die tomorrow, I'd be alright because I believe that after we're gone, the spirit carries on! :: If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver.