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Off-Topic / Re: KartSim
April 07, 2014, 04:56:01 PM
Quote from: DRkarter97 on April 07, 2014, 01:57:24 PMAlso people are not against installing mods if they really were than they wouldn't have bought the game.

Exactly, that is why there are only a few hundred that play this game.
Off-Topic / Re: KartSim
April 07, 2014, 06:14:09 AM
Yep, never available on weekends so skwc is out.

As for mods and team speak, I guarantee you each download/step you add after downloading and installing the main game file you lose more people then you keep. I have been playing and working with mods in games longer then you have been alive. I can tell you the vast majority of people will play the slightly less performing game over the one that requires multiple downloads and editing of game files.
Off-Topic / Re: KartSim
April 07, 2014, 12:13:39 AM
Hard to play with other online racers when there are none. There are what 200 people worldwide that play KRP? Right now midday on a Saturday and a whole 6 people are playing. I am sure it would be half that if it was not for the new release today. It is easier to go to the track and drive my real kart then it is to find others to race with here. All the mods and things you have to do to run this game is what chases everyone away. Karters seem to be some of the least tech savvy people I know and you expect them to download a game then download all these other tracks and skins to play the game? Then to even find how your lap times compare to others you have to search a forum to find the link. There is nothing on the website. It is like you want the game to be difficult and feel very incomplete.

The only thing that keeps most people coming back to this game are new track or kart releases from others. Other then that there is no incentive return. I am sure if Piboso looked at the average length of time someone plays the game after purchase it is a very short period. Why do they leave? The only regulars seem to be the ones on the forums that work on new tracks and karts. Ask anyone at a real track why they keep coming back it is the racing and hanging out with each other. If all it was, was doing hot laps alone no one would stick with the sport.

Off-Topic / Re: KartSim
April 06, 2014, 11:47:54 PM
KRP has already failed. I no longer play. Sure the physics are great and the kart drives similar to a real kart but other then that there is no point in playing. Right now I would rather pay(and I do) a subscription to iracing and actually race and have competition vs practice all the time in KRP.
Off-Topic / Re: KartSim
April 06, 2014, 04:27:06 AM
If kartsim has better game play and attracts more drivers it will do better then KRP. I have not played KRP in months because driving around by yourself sucks! KRP is a sim for modders, they build new shit and try it out with friends then move on to the next build. Maybe Kartsim will be for those that want to drive and race.
Off-Topic / Re: A little something different.
January 09, 2014, 09:22:33 PM
It is a ton of fun. Working on making a set of tires using actual ice screws in hopes of getting more front grip and better cornering.
Off-Topic / A little something different.
January 02, 2014, 07:34:36 PM
It is winter here and I did not want to leave the kart sitting in the shop, so what better thing to do? Get out some screws, an old set of tires, shovel off the lake, and have stupid amounts of fun.

Enjoy the video:
Paints / Re: WIP CRG 2014
November 18, 2013, 02:07:57 AM
The front bumper is not to far off.

I have not seen anyone wearing a white suit though.
Paints / Re: WIP CRG 2014
November 08, 2013, 03:45:15 PM
The red is supposed to be CRG orange. In the template photo released by CRG it looks red but will be their orange.
Fun practice and shenanigans tonight. Looking forward to the racing, just hope my schedule allows me to make it.

Just posted a link to this thread over on Simraceway forums in there Karting World Championship thread. Lets hope some come over here to join us and drive karts that actually feel and handle like karts.
General Discussion / Eliminate the hand of god!!
November 02, 2013, 06:22:47 PM
All of the BS that DQs drivers on the formation lap needs to stop. Speeding, corridor lane crossing etc. Those that like it because of the realism great. Then lets get rid of the hand of god that reaches down and pulls you off the track, aka kicks you to the pits. Make things real, use the flags just like in real life, black flag etc... You do not see race directors running out on track and physically removing karts that were speeding on the formation lap. Let the race go on and use the real life system of flags to let drivers know of infractions. The game is very frustrating to play when some minor glitch in someone connection destroys the whole start/race.
Other Addons / Re: Rotax Max 125 Junior MAX
October 25, 2013, 08:29:13 PM
Extracted the file again, the engine file did not extract or was lost the first time.

I knew my systems speed and performance was not the issue.
Other Addons / Re: Rotax Max 125 Junior MAX
October 25, 2013, 07:27:08 AM
Game crashes for me when I try selecting the Rotax Jr. When I restart the main screen just shows the driver and no kart. Kart selection screen you can select the Rotax but the kart does not show up. When you go to join or create a server the game crashes. Computer and GPX are not a problem, max graphic settings I get 200+FPS with other karts. Only other add on kart I have is the Stock Honda and it works fine.
General Discussion / Re: What the heck are we doing?
September 23, 2013, 07:17:30 AM
KRP needs something to fix it and draw people in. In the past three days of playing other sims and checking here to see if anyone was racing I saw less then half a dozen people online and only twice was there more then one person online at a single moment. This was over a weekend no less when people have time to play games.

I suggest some kind of race or something that does not need others online. There are ways to race people without them needing to be online at the same time. This will bring in racers and have them playing the game able to kill time while they hope someone else might start playing the game. The way it is now you just load up the stats page check the servers see no one is online and move on to something else. On the very rare occasion you might see a person online.

As it stands if no one is online there is absolutely no reason to play KRP. This game does not have the following to survive like this. Looking at Simraceway there can be 30 people online playing the game. You would be lucky out of those 30 to find 5 of the people in one of the quick races or events.  It is not until users online gets well over 50 before you start to easily find 3+ people in a single quick race or event to join. They also have a chat window that is visible/accessible from every game menu so you can easily chat or let others know where you will be racing so they can join you.

It just sucks to see such a great sim with awesome physics suffering because of poor game play.
General Discussion / Re: What the heck are we doing?
September 05, 2013, 04:24:18 PM
We need events like this!

Simraceway Karting World Championships


4 week long events where you have the entire week to put in your best race time. Just did the first challenge last night. 22 laps, if you stay consistent just under 20 minutes of driving. A challenge event like this requires much more skill then just a simple hot lap event. You have to maintain your lap times .5 a second a lap over 22 laps can put you off the back in no time.

The only reason I am not there driving all the time vs here is the Simraceway kart does not really feel like a kart.