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Messages - wwfowler

Setups / Re: Logitech g27 . seek setup
August 07, 2011, 11:54:54 PM
I have a G27 setup also. You might want to try setting the Force Feedback Strength to ~90% and Dampening to 0%. This minimized the thrashing at least in KRP Beta 3. Good luck!
Setups / Re: Setup guide
August 07, 2011, 11:37:48 PM
Thanks to all for the good information. This will help me better understand how to start tweaking from the defaults. Good job!
Documentation / Re: multi-monitor
July 23, 2011, 01:34:14 AM
Hi folks,

Bear with me as I am a newbie!

I am trying to setup multiple monitors in Beta3. Can someone provide me a little more detail on the monitors.cfg regarding the settings? I need to figure out which display is which in the settings and how the resolution in the .cfg relates to the resolution setting in Settings. My system is as follows:

Dell XPS 6301 Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz  8GB RAM
Windows 7 Ent. 64-bit
Dual nVidia GeForce GTS 250 graphics tied via SLI (disabled)
(3) Dell ST2310 DVI displays at 1920x1080 and (1) 40" Toshiba at 1360x768 (4 displays total)
The 3 ST2310 are running as Left - Middle - Right setup and this is where I want KRP to display. The fourth display (Toshiba) is more for network monitoring but does show up in Windows as the display above the Middle ST2310. The Middle display is the Main display in Windows ID=2, Left is ID=1, Right is ID=3 and the Upper is ID=4.

All nvidia drivers are up to date as well as Windows.

I will be happy to provide feedback on this setup but I need to see something come up first other than the following after starting KRP:

Left Display = Windows normal
Middle display = blank
Right display = blank

KRP is running but unable to "see" anything, audio is fine.
KRP Settings are Full Screen, Resolution=1920x1080, bits=32, refresh=default, antialiasing=off, screen ratio=Resolution

Here is the monitors.cfg:

   screen_distance = 600
   screen_width = 400
   screen_height = 225
   width = 420
   height = 260

   angle_x = 40

   display = 1
        pos_x = -1
   res_x = 1920
   res_y = 1080
   bpp = 32
        multisample = 4

   display = 2
   pos_x = 1
   res_x = 1920
   res_y = 1080
        bpp = 32
        multisample = 4

Thanks to All!