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The most realistic steering wheel input settings

Started by Intrekid, July 23, 2011, 04:26:24 PM

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Which are the most realistic feel steering wheel input settings for Logitech G25/27 for Kart Racing Pro? Please post your suggestions!


Good idea :)

(I have the Logitech Driving Force GT and I have strange FF lacks, maybe someone can write his settings to help me)


Here are my settings. I don't know, whether they are good or not, I have no comparison:

Wheel:                      Logitech G25

Logitech Profiler:

Overall Effects Strength:                                 124%   
Spring Effect Strength:                                   0%
Damper Effect Strength:                                   0%

Enable centering Spring in Force Feedback Games:          checked   
Centering Spring Spring Strength:                         0%

Report Combined Pedals:                                   unchecked
Degrees Of Rotation:                                      180°

Allow Game To Adjust Settings:                            checked

Settings (Input)

Force Feedback
Enable:                     checked
Strength:                   100%
Damping:                    0%

Wheel Rotation
Enable:                     checked
Angle:                      180°                  

Other settings:
Clutch (KS1):               left paddle
Front break (KC1):          right paddle
Shifting:                   Logitech G25 sequential shifter.

Gas:                        right pedal
Break:                      left pedal (pedal in the middle is unused)

Cockpit View (Simulation)
Field of View:               78
Pitch:                       87

Kart Setup
Steer Ratio:                 4:1



Which is better:

270 wheel rotation and 3:1 steer ratio
180 wheel rotation and 4:1 steer ratio

I like to use realistic wheel rotation but I hate extreme karts, I want to countersteer with no fear to loose the rear of the kart definitively. I am using very low values of Caster to do that and the kart becomes very understeered :(


Wheel:                      Logitech G25

Logitech Profiler:

Overall Effects Strength:                                 100%   
Spring Effect Strength:                                   0%
Damper Effect Strength:                                   0%

Enable centering Spring in Force Feedback Games:          checked   
Centering Spring Spring Strength:                         0%

Report Combined Pedals:                                   unchecked
Degrees Of Rotation:                                      900°

Allow Game To Adjust Settings:                            checked

Settings (Input)

Force Feedback
Enable:                     checked
Strength:                   200%
Damping:                    0%

Wheel Rotation
Enable:                     checked
Angle:                      900°                 

Other settings:
Clutch (KS1):               left paddle
Front break (KC1):          right paddle
Shifting:                   Logitech G25 sequential shifter.

Gas:                        right pedal
Break:                      pedal in the middle

Cockpit View (Simulation)
Field of View:               73
Pitch:                       100

Kart Setup
Steer Ratio:                 3:1

ps: FFB change varying steer ratio and caster


i remember now that i had a talk with a my friend in a italian forum about realism, in the setup begin with values of caster about 18 and steering ratio 3, in this way we turn the steering wheel how much how in the youtube video of real kart, in fact the kart enter in the turns very quickly respect of the default value of caster and steering ratio.
it's not OT because these values affect the feel on our g25/27


February 10, 2012, 06:52:49 PM #6 Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 06:55:03 PM by Racehard
I kind of didn't get the right steering wheel setup which I was used to from previous beta's, so I searched for a solution in ingame settings, but there wasn't THE setting which I was searching for but then I noticed my logitech profiler settings (G25) were set back to the standard ones again. So I asked Aritz for the website he once showed me. Here it is http://simgadgets.net/index.php?wiki/kart-racing-pro-mods-y-utilidades/ With these logitech profiler settings I've felt very comfortable in pervious betas and now do again, so if you experience some problems with steering and you just don't get the countersteering and turn in as you want, you might give them a try ;)

I would also like to know what real drivers think about them, don't know if Aritz himself uses them.


180 degrees is a must

No kart has 270 degrees and even 90 to one side should be never used, only with extreme countersteering when the kart is lost. I watch people's replays and they use high steerings, so I asume they are using 270 degrees and/or understeered setups  :-X


Quote from: Aritz on February 10, 2012, 07:33:10 PM
180 degrees is a must

Definitely agree! No more and no less of 180° to simulate a real kart!


February 10, 2012, 09:54:54 PM #9 Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 10:05:28 PM by EVO
I have had those settings since the begining , but i still cant countersteer sometimes, probably becasue i am no good.  My setup is nice and grippy but i get this sudden oversteer that i cannot save.
i use 10-12 caster and  2.5 degrees camber
default ackerman and steering ratio
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Quote from: EVO on February 10, 2012, 09:54:54 PM
I have had those settings since the begining , but i still cant countersteer sometimes, probably becasue i am no good.  My setup is nice and grippy but i get this sudden oversteer that i cannot save.
i use 10-12 caster and  2.5 degrees camber
default ackerman and steering ratio

Try to change the caster to 8/9 and camber to 3.5, also try to change your
driving style to a clear one, more clear you are, more fast you drive.
If you countersteer a lot in a lap, it means that you are losing a lot of time.


13 Caster, 2.5 Camber, Ackerman min. Toe ln 0.0, tire pressure 1 bar Hot

Leonardo Ratafia

i see guys talking about 3.5 camber and 1.8 toe, and in beta 6 there's no such numbers, in camber you have -2, -4, -7 and toe goes in values of 2, 4, etc and other values aswell, like the seat position.
does anyone has a decent setup to share for the beta 6? thanks


To set up the most realistic fnaf Logitech G25/G27 steering wheel input for Kart Racing Pro, you need to adjust some settings to simulate the exact go-kart driving feel.