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VR Support

Started by PiBoSo, July 14, 2017, 01:26:06 PM

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July 14, 2017, 01:26:06 PM Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 01:54:36 PM by PiBoSo
When installing Kart Racing Pro a desktop shortcut named "Kart Racing Pro - VR" should be created.
It launches KRP with the "-vr" command line switch, that enables VR support.

If both a Rift and a Vive are installed on the same PC, it's possible to force Oculus using the "-vro" switch, and SteamVR using "-vrs".

In Kart Racing Pro -> Settings -> Input3 it's possible to set the control to reset the VR camera tracking. The default key is F8. It resets the position and rotation of the user interface virtual screen, too.

It is possible to change the Oculus pixel density, creating a text file called oculus.ini in the KRP installation folder and adding the following lines:

By default, the rendering of both eyes is mirrored to the KRP window.
It is possible to change the mirroring setting creating a text file called oculus.ini or openvr.ini in the KRP installation folder and adding the following lines:
eye = 2
The possible values are:
-1: mirroring disabled
0: left eye
1: right eye
2: both eyes

On Oculus only, it is also possible to add, under the "mirror" section
post = 1
to show the barrel distorted render in the desktop window.

For SteamVR only, it is possible to add to the openvr.ini file
scale = 0.9
to modify the IPD, changing the world scale.

Note: If the Windows Taskbar overlaps the KRP window preventing the cursor from reaching the bottom of the user interface, please try right clicking on the shortcut icon and, in the Properties, selecting Run Maximised.

Known Bugs
- Kart Racing Pro crashes when changing the screen options in the graphics settings page
- HTC Vive ( SteamVR ): transparent asphalt in the user interface


Just picked this up on Steam, enjoying it so far! how do you adjust view height and forward/back in VR



Hi Piboso, if i enter in oculus mode, no key to map in input 3 but if steam mode it appears....

When i go to track in steam mode, when turn my head, the enviroment seems to deform...anyone else withthis issue...i have made a clean install

Thanks in advance!


Quote from: DuRiN on July 24, 2017, 08:51:56 PM
Hi Piboso, if i enter in oculus mode, no key to map in input 3 but if steam mode it appears....

When i go to track in steam mode, when turn my head, the enviroment seems to deform...anyone else withthis issue...i have made a clean install

Thanks in advance!

Please make sure to download the latest standalone Release2b to have the VR Reset control setting.


Quote from: PiBoSo on July 14, 2017, 01:26:06 PM
When installing Kart Racing Pro a desktop shortcut named "Kart Racing Pro - VR" should be created.
It launches KRP with the "-vr" command line switch, that enables VR support.

This didn't happen when I installed how can I create the shortcut to use the oculus ?

Quote from: PiBoSo on July 14, 2017, 01:26:06 PM

By default, the rendering of both eyes is mirrored to the KRP window.
It is possible to change the mirroring setting creating a text file called oculus.ini or openvr.ini in the KRP installation folder and adding the following lines:

eye = 2

The possible values are:
-1: mirroring disabled
0: left eye
1: right eye
2: both eyes

tried creating the openvr.ini file but nothing happened, when I launch it asks if I wish to continue in desktop mode but I don't have the launcher for VR as stated above .. , please help, thanks in advance.


Hi, I am new to KRP. Purchased this title during summer sale on Steam. I have an Oculus Rift CV1 and tried to start the game. Menu works in VR but as soon as I enter the track nothing works or at least it runs at 1 fps or so.... Are there any specific settings to run the game properly in VR?


So I bought the game from the website stand alone not through steam, how do I enable VR in this version? 


First post updated with info about the Oculus pixel density.


First post updated with info about the OpenVR IPD scale.