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Audio problems

Started by PiBoSo, April 20, 2011, 08:22:20 PM

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April 20, 2011, 08:22:20 PM Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 09:31:52 PM by PiBoSo
Unfortunately default OpenAL software driver has problems, for example HRTF implementation.
A possible workaround is to download the Win64 binary of OpenAL Soft: https://openal-soft.org/

1: Download the openal-soft binaries zip file
2: unpack the file "soft_oal.dll" from "Win64" to Kart Racing Pro installation directory
3: rename soft_oal.dll to openal32.dll


what kind of audio problems?


will this fix the volume problem? for example i drive behind someone and his kart is much louder than mine engine??
If not, what would this update fix?


Hola , tengo problemas con el audio . Directamente no tengo audio . envie un mail a soporte y no me responden , alguien podria ayudarme , gracias .
Hello, I have problems with the audio. Directly I have no audio. send an email to support and I do not respond, someone could help, thanks.

Marco Dakic

try to reinstall the game, check that the Audio Driver is acutal. Check the Ingame Volume Sliders
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