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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Making a Sim

Started by sam19, February 20, 2014, 09:43:03 PM

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Hi guys,

What kind of set ups do people currently have and what's the best steering wheels to get for around £150-200

Iv been looking at second hand g25s and they seem to be regularly availed second hand.

I'm thinking of doing a sim for my final project at Uni I'm going to use the existing parts of a kart and take apart the g25 wheel and pedals and make a system that runs with KRP. Has anybody tried this or trying this ?

Looking to make a couple of tracks aswell but need to learn 3dmax. I also want to make an engine. I'm good on solidworks which is a CAD program and can measure every bit of the real engine to get it right I'm just wondering how much detail I need to go into and how do I then get the model into the game ?


James Beer

If i were you id go for the G27 as its newer and quiter than the old G25, PC world have a good deal on for £199 http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/pc-accessories/pc-gaming-accessories/game-controllers/logitech-g27-racing-wheel-21406542-pdt.html


Awesome looks good,

so what happens when i get the steering wheel, do i jsut plug it in and change all the controls to tones on the wheel etc.. or do i need a plugin or driver?


James Beer

Basically you download the logitech controller driver http://www.logitech.com/en-gb/support/g27-racing-wheel?osid=14&bit=64 this enables you to control wheel rotation, springs, dampening, ffb strength etc.. Pretty self explanatory really. Then the wheel is plug and playable via usb. You will then NEED to configure the controls in the KRP setting menu for it to work in game. Depending on the sim im playing i just change the degrees of rotation in the software, then its just a case of starting up the game and racing.
Got mine just under a year ago now, never had any problems with, would recommend it to anyone looking for a great quality mid range wheel


awesome cheers guys,

with regards to viewing when in the sim, is a 3x24" monitor system better or 1 projector with curved wall or a 42" tv better?

from what iv seen im guessing 3x24" monitors will be better?


James Beer

Personally, i would go for the 3x24" monitors, if your into creating paints/tracks etc... the availability of having 3 monitors is very valuable.  I think the projector one would be nice with a curved wall and it would be bezeless but i think it will turn out to be more expensive than monitors (projector, then you have to make a curved wall etc...). I got 3 brand new monitors off ebay for £40 per monitor (2x HP and 1x BenQ). I use to use a 32" TV but would never go back to using it as it doesnt immerse you as much as the triple screen setup did, so i would not go for that one.


this is what I'm thinking, only problem is i need a PC as i couldn't run 3 screens off my macbook, but then if i want to do it properly i need a sim PC anyway and then i can run things like rFactor and iRacing.

what angle do you have your monitors at? iv seen a lot that are more abled then your and some that are the same


James Beer

I think my monitors are at 40 degree angle but I'm not sure as I'm always moving them about to sort out wires and stuff. I'm running a 6 core AMD system with a gigabyte windforce 270x (I've oveclocked it a bit aswell), runs 3 monitors fine at good fps, 120 on I racing at maxed out graphics option's. I'd shop around for PC parts to make a gaming PC as you can get much better deals than complete unit's,  I decided to spend out on components because then it should still be a good gaming PC for the next 4+ years, a mistake I made a few years ago spent very little on parts but was only good for the next year or so then it was upgrade time again!

If you go AMD remember one monitor has to use a display port to connect to the graphics card for eyefinity to work correctly the rest are connected using DVI.


thats like speaking spanish to me haha not really any idea what your on about when it comes to custom building a PC,

iv got a lot of friends that are into it and have been asking them millions of questions

hoping to spend around £400-500 on the Pc


James Beer

Haha sorry fair enough :) 450 should be enough to get you something good :) if you have any other questions please ask happy to help ;)


just been looking and found a pc for £250ish with a good graphics card in so going to buy it, do i need 2 graphics cards to run a 3 monitor display ?



Quote from: sam19 on February 26, 2014, 04:08:24 PM
just been looking and found a pc for £250ish with a good graphics card in so going to buy it, do i need 2 graphics cards to run a 3 monitor display ?

No but 3 digital ports
Retired, studied 3D Artist
Professional racing driver
2021 ELMS Champion LMP3
2022 3rd 24h Le Mans LMP2
Teammanager of Dutt Motorsport


what do you mean 3 digital ports?


James Beer

February 26, 2014, 04:38:16 PM #13 Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 07:29:10 PM by James Beer
No you don't have to have 2 cards, more often then not its better to get a higher model single graphics card than it is to get 2 and either SLI or Crossfire them, what he means is you will have 3 wires from your card to your monitor's, one for each, an AMD card uses 2 DVI's and one displayport.



ok so i have been looking and from what i can see i think its going to be cheap to get 2 graphics cards and a bigger power supply

can KRP run 2 graphics cards as some of my mates said some games dont have the function to run 2 graphics cards
