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Started by PiBoSo, November 07, 2011, 01:29:03 PM

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January 29, 2012, 07:06:23 PM #45 Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 07:51:44 PM by PiBoSo
To add RPM lights to dashes, create a texture for each light, named basexx.tga where "base" can be any name and xx is a progressive number: 01, 02, 03, ... ( for example: rpm01.tga, rpm02.tga and so on ).
For each texture a TXT file must be created ( for example rpm01.txt, rpm02.txt and so on ), pointing to the filename of the "on" texture ( for example: rpm01_on.tga, rpm02_on.tga and so on ).
After export, the following lines must be added to gfx files:

num = 5
texture = rpm
min = -1500
step = 300

num = the number of lights
texture = "base"
min = the rpm ( relative to limiter or to shift rpm ) when the first light will go on
step = the rpm difference between lights

The same rules apply for gearup led and water temperature leds, but without the numbers.


nice one piboso now evo kan finnish them
thanks m8



January 30, 2012, 06:13:42 AM #48 Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 08:54:39 AM by EVO
Thank you for the information about the RPM lights  i think with information on no dash activation (hud only) dash mods will be complete
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


February 14, 2012, 12:32:13 PM #49 Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 02:12:14 PM by EVO
Great news doing the starting lights for my track helped me realize how the shift lights are done.
for temp lights. 
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


Is there a a way to make the dash background data background the same color? and

   texture = TMPLIGHT_off
   threshold = 0

will this work for temp lights
and at what temp is it activated?
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


February 17, 2012, 07:49:56 PM #51 Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 08:13:16 PM by Racehard
Hey evo, I've just tested the new Astro with working rev lights. Oh maaan I love it!

But the timings need some adjustment.

I read in PiBoSo's tutorial something about gfx files so I opened both of them and adjusted the values.
I oriented myself after this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o1a4DC0GBA&feature=related, the rev lights start pretty early and are a lot around the middle.
So am currently using
num = 10
texture = rpm
min = -11500
step = 1260

The lights start at 4500 (for the max 16000 of kc1 class), and then the left range is 11500 rpm, which at first I thought I'd devide by the number of lights to get the right step, so that the last light shows up at 16000, but it showed up somehow earlier so there was need for fine tuning, ended up at 1260 for the steps.

Haven't tried the kc3 yet, or another kart. These settings are optimized for the 16k rpm of the kc1 class now. What about the kc3 how does krp handle that.

EDIT: Ok these settings suck for kc3 with -11500 it starts way to early, maybe PiBoSo can somehow change this. Like extra settings for each class or automatically reduce the values according to the max rpm of each class or whatever.

Or maybe it is just me and I don't know how to set it up for each class.


awesome thanks for the observations and corrections I make sure I credit you in the next release.  Thanks
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


February 18, 2012, 04:19:31 AM #53 Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 07:43:42 AM by EVO
what do you think of the latest dash?  i really wish i could make the backgournd white and show the look of off Digital lights you know?  like the off 8 under light up 1.

For the MyCrhon4 how do you think i can make it the rev light flicker like the real rpm tatle ??
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


February 18, 2012, 04:38:41 PM #54 Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 04:41:40 PM by Racehard
I don't know, I can only remeber that PiBoSo once mentioned you can't change the color of the dash background.

Well and regarding the new values for astro dash, as I don't know how to set them up seperately for each class, they are just good for kc1 atm.

Lets see what PiBoSo says.

Your last dash looks pretty good and would be even better with the digital style stuff.

Hopefully a flickering rpm light will be possible in the future, if it not already is.


February 19, 2012, 06:40:10 AM #55 Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 07:45:29 AM by EVO
I tried setting multiple off textures to one light and it confused the hell out of the game and the on texture did not want to work at all which was a dub idea on my part becuase that method makes no sense of functioning.  because the off lights are alwasy on until activated so you will awlays see the top most off light therefore the bottom off and on lights wont show.............hmmmm

i want to make the new alfano next helping KRP remian current in Karting.  The Astro suits the ICA nicely as the uNIPRO fits the KC/KS karts perfectly.  The new alfano will add more flavor to KRP, The best KART simulator ever which contiunes to get better and better.  Thanks PiBoSo
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


February 21, 2012, 06:21:33 AM #56 Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 07:43:05 AM by EVO
found the hud folder in misc.pkz   
for those that dont want the HUD on the right but rather the left
values can be changed in hud_s.cfg and hud_c.cfg

I am now able to create hud dashes for the dashes ive made for drivers that hide the steering wheel.
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


Is there an easier way to relocate the HUD?
without haveing to edit so many values?
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


Quote from: EVO on November 07, 2011, 08:40:24 PM
i can make alfano. I have one buts not the super expensive version. which version do people want?
PRO   thats all we use in Australia!!!   nothing else other then Alfano


Totally agree Liam! I use the PRO PLUS LV, and that's very similar to the Astro only it doesn't tell you your Lateral G's or whatever.