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Is It A Possibility That Ion Text Could Confuse The Elderly Peoples?

Started by allinsider, August 20, 2024, 11:17:25 AM

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Whenever a new generation comes with what can be referred to as ''jargon'' such as 'Ion text,' previous generations might feel out of touch. Is it leading to what Rick called 'a communication gap'?

Generational Divide: Most of them employ what is called the "Ion text" which only confuses the older generation.

Communication Gap: It can also increase the gap in communication between young people and those of the older generation.

Learning Curve: Nowadays people use slang that is unfamiliar to previous generations or elderly people in general.

Adaptation: A few elderly persons are even attempting to learn some of the slang terms in a bid to keep up with the younger generation.

Bridging the Gap: Thus the above equation could help try to establish a channel and close the communication gap by educating both sides.

The development of ''Ion text'' also brings out the difficulties in poly generation communication. Are we moving further apart, or is there a way of closing the gap?

Read More: https://allinsider.net/ion-text-meaning/