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Losing engine power every lap

Started by cflizzy, September 18, 2012, 02:22:13 AM

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I have noticed this problem ever since I started playing KRP. I lose about 1-2kph every lap. Lap times also start to get worse. This starts on lap 1 and doesn't seem to get progressively worse so I don't think its the tires wearing. I thought maybe I was over revving the engine, so I raised the gearing to where it wasn't coming close to redline but it made no difference. If anyone has any idea why this is happening whether it is setup related or a bug I'd appreciate the help.


engine temp too hot  pr too cold, should be like starting temerature, so 60° or 50° depend on class


u might have too much radiator cover on and as the engine goes it get hotter and hotter and that slows the engine down.

hope this helps,


look at your dash as you are going, and adjust the radiator cover as needed


Thanks guys. Lap times dropped about 1.5 seconds  :P


Red light on dash is bad = too much heat

someone wrote this on the forum before:
Kart | Lower Temp Warning | Optimum | Higher Temp Warning
FS250 | 52 | 60 | 72
KS1    | 42 | 50 | 62
KC3    | 42 | 50 | 62
KC1    | 42 | 50 | 62
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Thanks evo, looks like I'm still running too hot. I had the KC3 at about 57.


To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


I'll try it out. I have a tough time adjusting to Celsius and kilometers being from the states, otherwise I'm sure I would have noticed how hot it was getting.


September 18, 2012, 08:51:15 PM #9 Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 08:55:11 PM by EVO
yeah im from the states too but my kart friends all convinced me to do everything in metric.  its so much better once you get used to it. 
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


And people don't believe us when we tell them the metric system is superior!  ;)