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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

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Messages - LXS77

Support / Re: Kart racing pro non parte
October 13, 2023, 11:50:54 PM
Quote from: Incseven on October 11, 2023, 08:32:23 PMSalve, da un po' di tempo, ogni che cerco di aprire il gioco, si blocca e torna alla pagina iniziale. Come posso sistemare?

Hi, have you tried to completely reinstall the game? If you are using a Steam version, you can also try to verify the integrity of game files in Steam and, just in case, check your disk for errors.
Track Requests / Re: Request for Strijen track
October 11, 2023, 03:28:07 PM
Quote from: Divus123 on October 09, 2023, 07:44:56 PMDo you know someone who can build the track or Honda mot

Hi again, you can ask on Sim Kart Modding (https://simkartmodding.freeforums.net/), that forum is more active than this one. However, be prepared to compensate a person for their time and efforts. These days it's unlikely that someone will agree to do custom jobs for free.

Also, when requesting tracks, please specify your requirements, how detailed you want the track to be. The level of complexity hugely affects the amount of time required for a project. In my experience, a detailed good looking track may take about 3 months to complete.
Track Requests / Re: Request for Strijen track
September 23, 2023, 12:21:50 AM
Hi, I don't think it exists for this game (the same goes for that Honda engine, by the way).
Tracks / Re: Track Angerville - in France
August 19, 2023, 04:47:03 PM
Hi, please check the database here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RUx9PntaSTxNDQUJyt6j3BOYsuRF82gb

Angerville is on the list, but it's an old mod, not that fancy one you've been referring to.
Plugins / Re: Advanced HUD
August 13, 2023, 09:51:57 PM
A bike mismatch? Sorry, mate, but are you sure you're on the right forum? This is Kart Racing Pro's one.
Right, you don't need to try to centre the Throttle. All pedals should be fully released before pressing the OK button. The centring is for the steering wheel only and it will normally centre by itself anyway.

Basically, the calibration process is quite simple. You just rotate the steering wheel several times to hit the min and max values and then depress the pedals fully a couple of times.  Leave the wheel centred, release the pedals and press OK button to leave the Calibration mode. Then manually assign controls to Steer, Throttle and Brake (click on each option and bind the controls by following the on-screen prompts).

I've recorded a short video to demonstrate the process. Maybe you'll find it helpful (there're just a couple of  differences - the pedals are directly connected to the PC, hence two devices in the Controller list and the brake and the clutch are combined so they move together, but the general principle is still the same).

Quote from: Markmccabe1 on August 12, 2023, 12:42:55 AMThe pedals just go all the way to the right and stay there.

So when you press the pedals, you don't see the values changing and the indicator moving (please see the attached screenshot)? And I also assume that Logitech G Hub stays running in the background when you start the game.
Tracks / Re: [Release] Toowoomba Kart Club (AUS)
August 10, 2023, 06:29:38 PM
Quote from: DAVE PEE on August 10, 2023, 03:18:14 PMHi do u know if there is a track mod for Wanneroo Aus?

Hi, yes, there is. You can download the track from SKM Forum (https://simkartmodding.freeforums.net), Track Mods board.
Quote from: Markmccabe1 on August 07, 2023, 12:51:49 AMWhere is the steering wheel profiler?

The steering wheel profiler is your Logitech G Hub software. And yeah, in KRP, go to Settings, then Input tab and press Calibration button.
Quote from: Markmccabe1 on August 06, 2023, 11:04:58 PMI am having the same problem. Can anyone explain this to me. Thanks

Hi, please make sure that your Logitech G Hub software is running, launch the game and follow the instructions in the post below to calibrate the wheel and pedals and bind the controls manually:

Hi, try to check (and maybe redo) your centerline in that area. If the track consists of multiple segments (e.g. trkasph_01, trkasph_02, trkasph_03, etc.) make sure that all the segments are named correctly.
Support / Re: Lap time not counting
May 28, 2023, 10:18:43 PM
Hi, please refer to this post: http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=7707.msg51831#msg51831

Just copy the attached file to the track folder (NB: you need to be logged in to your forum account to see the attachment).
Hi, your screenshot shows that the only new file there is dakarring.ini and the rest is like 2015 and older. Just follow the tutorial, make your MAP and TRP files, use TrackEd to create and merge the centerline, add Race Data (RDF file) and then copy your MAP, updated TRP and RDF files to the track folder.
Support / Re: License key
April 16, 2023, 09:36:45 PM
Hi, please send an email to support@kartracing-pro.com including your first name, last name and email address as they appear in the PayPal receipt. Alternatively, send a personal message (PM) to PiBoSo here, on this forum, and include your first name, last name and email address as they appear in PayPal receipt.