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January 25, 2025, 10:58:29 AM


Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

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Messages - 3rd.Rail

Bug reports / Look back function
March 14, 2024, 12:56:55 AM
I am up to date on the version installed.  I have three profiles to the key. One profile is the default -unnamedprofile-, I have never used it.  The other two profiles I use regularly. The look back function only works in one of these profiles.  Is this normal?  While I am happy that the function works in one function period I thought I would let you know what I am experiencing.  I am using a higher end PC with strong graphics capabilities.
I took a read on how to register.  I found an old email that had all the correct info for one key. That key is good again in the server.  I will still need send for the remaining key as I still can't change the nick. 
Greetings, I have/know my two keys and the emails.  The nicknames (<= 5 total & <=3 per key) I have from older version licenses aren't correct according to the change name server.  I would rather not switch to the steam version.  Thanks in advance.
Well I'm trying to be productive as best as possible. 

I have followed the directions for legacy releases but only the file name appears in game in the kart paint menu.  I see the paint name but when i choose it my paint is blank.

So how do I handle the new templates?  They are now separated.  I no longer see a hub file, is that equal the rim file of the new templates?  Do I repack all the files of the new templates together?

Updated instructions would greatly be appreciated.

Happy karting

I was not aware of this.  Thanks.  Some day maybe I can add the old lydds, or 3 sisters, or nuts corner to this game.
Off-Topic / Hello, an update
April 30, 2022, 11:00:47 PM
Since the last time I posted a thread here some much has occurred on earth.  I'm glad to see the program support is still around and I am healthy(thanks to sim racing) still to post.  The last few posts I recall posting were of kart painting and output devices for monitoring gauges. 

I have been working steadily at fabricating a display device that displays speed, rev, temp, ect.  It is my 2nd obsession after sim karting.  Now in 2022 this build is quite easily achievable.  Originally the speed output is leashed to 8 digit 7 segment led chip that was underdeveloped.  In 2022 the LED chip has some significant library developments but do to the claim that it is ideal for sim racing, this chip is shunned.  To be exact the best working library host site was just discovered this year and due my interest in a programmable andro watch dev I have not tested it.

In chasing down this build I encountered a full education in programming in c/c++ and other languages.  Thing is though, education and experience are to separate languages.  None the less I have a mock up code that can be applied to basically arduino-able mcu and output display. 

What I dont have is how to call or place the line or krp code statement in my code(or maybe I do but I am overlooking something).


Defined pins of display device

Function to open game file
? fgets()

Function to read desired dial/gauge
?while condition?

Function to convert metric to english
?for condition?

Function to send dial/gauge data to output pins of device.
?while condition?


The actual functions arent that have to conceive. 
but knowing what goes where would be a big help.

Applications are permutable as the code can apply to any display type/form.

I am looking to proto this b4 the end of the year.

I am very dis-organized right now, but if any interest shows on the board I'll post critical links in the future.
Track Editing / Re: Track creation guide
June 11, 2018, 02:18:20 PM
Micheal schumacher's kart program game had beautiful mountain backdrops. If the game were mod able and multi player allowed for races longer than 5 laps that game would be un touchable. 
Tracks / Re: [Release] Lydd Kart Circuit (FINAL)
April 19, 2018, 03:49:55 PM
Hi, just dl'd the track as well as 1 or 2 more. Thanks. I'd be doing tracks by know but the journey into c & c++ coding has parsed into a mega mamoth affair and consuming a huge amount of time. 
Suggestions and wishlist / Re: Adding AI
August 31, 2017, 03:23:40 PM
This comes up alot.  You can make your own AI.  Enable the ghosting mode and save your ghost.  I practice with three ghost vehicles set at different lap records.  I even change uniform and helmets as the program will save those items.  The ghost will constantly lap at the saved lap time you choose next it will travel the lap mirrored to your line so you should be able to anticipate your own moves.  This program is solid thru and thru.
Racing / connection speed setting in game
July 06, 2017, 03:09:33 PM
Hello all again,
I finally got around to loading the latest version of this fabulous game program.  Still haven't taken the time to calibrate my W & P though.  I did rummage through the various settings pages and noticed something I never saw before.  It was a box with a choice for connection speed.  I don't remember which of the settings pages it was on but it's probably the last ones.  If it was there in previous versions I never noticed it and if it was set to anything other than hi speed that would explain some strange things I've seen when racing online.
Setting this setting correctly and opening all the in and out ports should alleviate connection issues.
I get around to calibration asap.  Good luck all.
Can you post screen shots or phone pics of these problems?
Racing / Re: Rotax Max Eurochallenge 2017
April 17, 2017, 04:33:15 AM
TEAM: Field Effect Racing

Good Luck!!
Racing / open invite
May 26, 2016, 04:25:46 PM
I've some free time thru monday.  I am spill proof at kimbolton in f100 (i think its the tkm kart), rye house in kf3, lonato short in kz.  please post or pm me the time in eastern time zone. any hour is acceptable.