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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

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Messages - Myles Rowe Top Kart #6

Here is a video I put together with David Malukas and me at the last round of the USPKS championship last year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lUWbH3-4oQ
Make sure to check out my other videos and subscribe to my youtube channel because I will be posting videos like this and better for SKUSA and USPKS this year.
Thanks  ;)
Track Requests / Re: Barnesville track request
December 21, 2015, 08:33:20 PM
I'm dead!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Race is up I am hungry to win and for turkey.  ;D
Ok thanks. Now who wants to be in on the project for making the track so I can send the gps to them.
Alright I will try but how do I upload it into a message on the forum.
Racing / Thanksgiving Race at 3:00 p.m. US Easter Time
November 26, 2015, 05:42:33 PM
There will be a Thanksgiving race today at 3:00 Eastern standard Time.
Class: Mini 60
Name: Thanksgiving M
Max Entry= 15
Weather= Realistic (be prepared for anything  ;) 8))
Laps= 15
Track= New Castle Motorsports Park/ Link= https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s32hw0r6yc5av0f/AABEsdyH9wyDK91K-sjRPpIja/KRP%20Tracks/New%20Castle.rar?dl=0
If there is anything else you need to know tell me. If the track doesn't work then it will be 15 laps at Essay.
Thanks. Extra info will be in the server.
I just went to SKUSA Supernats XIX for the TAG Jr. and I absolutely loved the track because it was just simply fun to drive but also provided amazing racing. In one heat race I remember I made 17 different passes in the race with 12 laps. It was phenominal. I feel this track if taken with care and developed by a team of multiple people that are really good with editing tracks and things like that should make it. I am not requesting it specifically for me, I am requesting it for the whole KRP community because I believe if these individuals can make it very well we will have great racing on KRP with still room on the track to race and not hit the barriers in the process. I think it would work very well for SKWC and other up and coming series that other individuals are working on. I just believe that we should have at least one really good modern street track on KRP and I thought the Supernats track was perfect for it.
If you are one of the individuals who are good at making tracks for KRP (you know who you are) you can contact me directly in the forum or on my email: mylesrowe@hotmail.com
I can send you videos and/or just tell you about the track you just don't see that much in videos the bumps and how the curbs worked and actually look like not how the videos make it look like and just how the kart drives and help you design and perfect it.
Thank you I hope you all like this idea and take it into consideration.  :)
Quote from: DRkarter97 on July 01, 2015, 12:30:41 PM
It's possible but it's a super lengthy and time consuming process, the track is interesting so I wouldn't be surprised if krp sees a bit of a revival with anew beta that a modded comes back and decides to convert it.

Also it's fine to ask if it's possible the line is asking someone to give it out as that implies that you expect the modders to be constantly producing stuff for krp and is also ignorant of the fact it may be private for a number of reasons. Your post is good no worries
K. Thanks
Other Addons / Re: x30 update WIP questions
July 01, 2015, 09:59:40 AM
Best engine around town 👆
(Just wondering not really asking)Is it possible anybody could convert AMP for me to KRP. I don't have 3dsmax or whatever it is called because I guess my computer doesn't have enough storage or something. So just wondring not really asking. Thanks 😀 🚗 👍 6⃣
Track Editing / Re: What do you create tracks with?
June 25, 2015, 01:58:30 AM
Beast 👆
Off-Topic / KF and KFJ Engine
June 24, 2015, 08:11:49 PM
Is the KF engine today a Rok sr. or is it just its own engine like the TAG? Also is the KFJ the Rok jr. too?
Server is Up its Race Time!!!
Session Name: KFJ WorldChamps
Track: Essay
Conditions: Dry/ 89 F/ 6 MPH Wind
Engine: KF3
Race Length: 60%
Race Format: Standing Start/ No sighting Lap/ No Aids/ Limited Tire Sets/ ONLY ONE WARM-UP LAP!!!
Practice: 15 Min
Qualifying: 7 Min
Hope to see you there!!!  :)
FYI anyone who crashes into somebody that was not on accident will be automatically ejected!!
Does the rotax sr SKWC made use Mojo tires or is it the regular kart racing pro tires?