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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

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Messages - ravax

General Discussion / Re: KRP minimize-able
December 03, 2011, 12:28:47 AM
> it will not pause, because it is not easy to "freeze" the application.

But once it enters the background/minimized state shouldn't O.S. (and maybe DirectX but I don't know if DX is used) take some action by its own, which means freeing up some resources?
General Discussion / Re: KRP minimize-able
December 01, 2011, 10:52:14 PM
Thanks a lot in advance PiBoSo!
I'm sure it will save me enough energy (==money) to register KRP in just few sessions!  ;D
General Discussion / Re: KRP minimize-able
November 25, 2011, 11:46:13 PM
> Do u have disabled the intro?

No I didn't, I wasn't aware of such possibility. Not the ideal solution but still a great speedup. Thanks!

Nevertheless I think that KRP should support some kind of "processing suspend" state.
With modern hardware, a PC could easily eat up more than 500W/hour when under heavy CPU/Video load, decreasing sometimes under the 150 or even 100 W/h when using the same PC to read a mail or browse the internet or write a document. That is a BIG difference if electricity is expensive as it is in Europe (Italy in my case).

So I'd like to ask Piboso how hard it would be to make KRP more "green", in terms of resource requirement, when not in use (minimized).
If KRP squeezes 101% of the CPU juice when in foreground, it's welcome and invited to do so, but PLEASE, if possible, let it take some rest when in background.


General Discussion / Re: KRP minimize-able
November 25, 2011, 07:34:35 PM
Thanks for confirming Schwoni.
So then my question becomes: Is it possible to "suspend" KRP? I haven't seen a "pause" button, and even exiting to the menu does not cause any relieve on the PC.
You may ask why I'm not just quitting from the program. Yes, that is the only solution I've found so far but KRP takes a while to start (at least on my system) and I don't like waiting 40 seconds every time...so I'm looking for an alternative...
General Discussion / Re: KRP minimize-able
November 25, 2011, 05:08:08 PM
I'll try again this evening at home.
Sorry another question: When you successfully minimize KRP does it enter some kind of "standby" status freeing up CPU/GPU (what any windows application is supposed to do) or is it actually still running in the background at full speed? I'm asking this because I was never able to hear PC fans and video board fans slowing down...so it looks like KRP is still active...

Once again thank you

General Discussion / Re: KRP minimize-able
November 25, 2011, 12:35:45 PM
Quote from: Schwoni on November 24, 2011, 09:17:08 PM
i use ALT and TAB for this and work fine ;)

Thanks for the reply.
One question: ALT + TAB from KRP in full screen mode?
Humm....doesn't work in my system, KRP screen remains "maximized"...
General Discussion / KRP minimize-able
November 24, 2011, 09:14:10 PM
Hello everybody,

I'm trying to minimize KRP as it may happen to be interrupted while driving, by a higher priority "task", like reading an email for example.
(BTW No, I'm not playing KRP at work...just because I can't justify the steering wheel attached to the desk LOL!)
But I never succeeded, I only got to the point where another application gets displayed over the full screen KRP screen.
so my question is: Is it possible to minimize KRP?

Thanks a lot in advance,
Best regards