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March 22, 2025, 12:29:23 PM


Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

High quality Velox 2011

Started by backwardsbanana, June 15, 2011, 10:04:32 AM

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Really like it, too bad there is the problem with the picelation  :-\
But I would drive it anyway, because it is still very well done.

Shawn Campbell

I had this same pixelation issue when I was making the Kosmic kart.  It seems that using anti-aliasing helps, but it definitively has to do with the texture compression.  Thicker lines tend to not have this problem as much; its just the thinner lines and how the texture compression "renders" them.

Shawn Campbell

By the way, very nice work so far on that kart.


Hey guys ! The HQ Velox with crappy lining is finally released ! As always, I am only proud of my suit, the suit looks real good but I can't say the same about the kart...

Anyways here are some pictures and the download link is below
Oh and by the way, if the Velox logos are a bit crappy then consider that I had to make them myself, because I didn't find any higher resolution ;)

Download link : http://www.mediafire.com/?n4gtpxvg3dx6he8


I can imagine, you must be disappointed about the lines.

But anyway, the paint still looks awesome, and it is a pretty complicated one aswell, so you did a really great job!

Thank you :)

btw: Nice helmet.


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