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September 10, 2024, 07:38:01 PM


Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

New Member / Replays / File and Folders

Started by Overdue, June 14, 2020, 10:09:29 PM

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Hello all,

Newbie here. ALL my sim experience has been with iRacing, where all the file downloads, etc are automated, so coming to this style of sim is proving a challenge, but I'm determined to figure this thing out. Love driving the sim, but am really struggling with how to find / download / use content.

My specific question in this thread is how to watch replay files? Both files I've created myself and saved using the in-sim tool, and replay files I've downloaded from other sources / forums.

See attached two separate folders I've found that have content files. This is part of my confusion. Some are in my c:documents folder and some are in the Steam Local Files folders.

As you can see, there are some files in the c:documents:PiBoSo:KartRacingPro:replays folder. I've watched many of those files in the past. But now when I go into KRP and open the Replay link, it doesn't show any files available?

I also just downloaded a replay file from a KRP League Discord Channel. I saved it to both the Steam and the C:documents folders, and it does not appear in the KRP Replay link.

Any help GREATLY appreciated.
To Each Their Own


Hi, the correct location for RPY files (replays) is Documents -> PiBoSo -> Kart Racing Pro -> replays
However, please note that, according to the Release Notes for KRP Release 11 published on the 5th May, "- Replays are not compatible with previous versions" (http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=7359.0). In other words, if you are running the latest KRP version, you can only access replays created in Release 11 or newer.


Very good information. Explains all my issues.

To Each Their Own

