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New KRP Database

Started by Raise, April 22, 2019, 10:01:59 PM

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hi and thank you for the link

i have been trying to fin Clay Pigeon (UK) do you know if anyone has done it ????


Ian you are not the owner for some of the tracks for example kristinaad you did not make that track it was Gonzalo Vergara, there are many tracks that you did not make which says owner Ian Bushy I have just named one of them. Give credit to those who made the tracks instead of claiming their work as your work.


Jerome this is a download database it doesn't say any where that I own or take credit for anything. I'd give your assenine post more of a response but this is just a shit tier troll.


this is why we can't have nice things


hi and thank you for the link

i have been trying to find Templin (D). Is it somewhere available?


Hi guys, sorry for the question but how can i put in the game? after download obviously. Please help me!




Go to My Documents -> PiBoSo -> Kart Racing Pro -> mods. Create a folder named tracks and extract the files from the archive you've downloaded into that folder.


Thanks a lot, and for download the engines?


Great to have KRP tracks on one place but after installing them in to KRP it's hard to find exact track due to different track naming. Please advise how to change track name on KRP for better organisation.


Renaming tracks is as simple as editing the file names and editing the cfg file but doing so will make those tracks incompatible if you try to use multiplayer


December 26, 2019, 08:40:57 AM #11 Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 05:58:31 PM by KK2009 Reason: missing attachment
Should I change records at .ini file?

name=Adria international Raceway


Hello to everyone, I'm looking for track Zuera, Spain. May someone to help me to find it. Didn't find it in that database. Thanks !


it comes standard in the game...

Z30 Dandy Dust

September 26, 2020, 09:30:20 AM #14 Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 09:34:50 AM by Z30 Dandy Dust
Thank You Cory for that link. Question, where would I find those tracks and karts, currently used on the public servers? That would be Alem E-Kart rack, Baires1K0A for example.
Where would I find those extra karts: Rotax EVO,  150 4T E-Kart?