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Need help in 3D grass

Started by alwinmak, August 16, 2022, 10:01:52 AM

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Could somebody provide procedures on how to make 3D grass for my Mod. 
I am using 3DS Max to make my Mod track and I am actually completely new to the program.
For the past month, I have been learning from Youtube on how to create a mod track using 3DS max.
I did exported a track to KRP, and now I would like to modify the grass to 3D, but I really have no idea on how to do it.  Really appreciate if someone could provide a tutorial in this forum.


Hi LXS77, Thank you for the information.
I manage to get the 3d grass on the track, but some of the surface is bald.
May I know how to make it distribute evenly?
And may I know where I can find the example of grassfx.tga in the forum? 
As you can see from the picture, the grass doesn't look very realistic.
I will attach the tga file I have made.  Could you please tell me what went wrong with the textures.


Quote from: alwinmak on August 17, 2022, 09:46:59 AMMay I know how to make it distribute evenly?
Hi, just play with max_density value in the GRS file.

Quote from: alwinmak on August 17, 2022, 09:46:59 AMAnd may I know where I can find the example of grassfx.tga in the forum? 
The link was in the same post - http://docs.piboso.com/wiki/index.php?title=MXB_Track_Creation_Guide . Open the page, click 'Download the example track files', open the ZIP file, go to 'Maps' folder and scroll down to grassfx.tga.

Quote from: alwinmak on August 17, 2022, 09:46:59 AMCould you please tell me what went wrong with the textures.
You definitely need a higher quality grass texture for grass_blades. I personally don't use grass_color and grass_density files  - the colour comes from grassfx.tga and density is controlled in the GRS.


Thank you for your help, the 3D grass looks great now with PiBoSo's textures.


May I know where I can find guides of making the kart reflection on track?


Quote from: alwinmak on August 18, 2022, 03:13:09 AMThank you for your help, the 3D grass looks great now with PiBoSo's textures.

Glad I could help!

Quote from: alwinmak on August 18, 2022, 04:34:05 AMMay I know where I can find guides of making the kart reflection on track?

Realtime reflections are not supported, but some ideas about reflections you can find here: https://docs.piboso.com/wiki/index.php?title=Track_Creation_Guide#Reflections. Shadows from the kart and other objects will appear automatically on TRK and WLL objects. You can also use a SHAD_ prefix to display shadows on other track objects.


:) Shadows still not appear on track but is on grass, trying to figure this out.
Thank you for your help!You cannot see attachments on this board.You cannot see attachments on this board.


No worries! And what's the name of your tarmac object?


I named track/pit as TRKASPH, didn't sub divide them 0001 and so on.  I tried to put mapping on the texture, it still doesn't work.


Hmm, can I take a look at your tarmac texture please?


Hi, the files are too big to upload, each texture is about 3-4Mb.  I used https://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/ to create normal, displacement, specular mapping for the texture.  Diffuse texture of tarmac I just download from textures.com.
Now I am using the texture from PiBoSo's gravel.tga.  Shadow still not appear.  I don't know if I have put the Surface modifier on the track in 3DS max which it may affect the shadow.


August 23, 2022, 02:44:58 PM #12 Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 03:42:21 PM by LXS77
Hi, in 3ds Max try to use diffuse textures only. In KRP, normal and specular maps are linked to textures via SHD files.