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February 17, 2025, 06:30:35 PM


Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Super X30 ( Work In Progress )

Started by Cory_Hayes, July 24, 2017, 08:20:15 AM

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It is a wip, obviously sizing is wrong, no radiator, everything is missing, xx



i drove one of these a few weekends back, crazy how fast they are! excited to try it in krp :)


Been messing with the ENGN file, I am going off of the data sheet for the Super X30 ( not a dyno sheet ) so at the moment it has the appropriate amount of power but I don't think its exactly in the right places, it just feels like a smooth KF1 right now, hopefully someone can get me a dyno sheet so I can make it right.
( Carby is pretty much a place holder atm, and I have done a bit more since this photo model wise, + working on the exhaust texture, and making the engine less shiny.




There is just on Problem the engine reach easy 16k because ist the same Ignition as the Ignition from the X30 2016
and your can drive the engine with max 16500 rpm ...


from what I have seen it only reaches 15000? the data sheet says it only reaches 15000 as well?



Been working on small things on the model + textures now.


thats a great Data sheet but , the ignition parts are the same as the parts from the X30 and a X30reach 16000 /16500.
Maybe iame said ist the Limit but you drive it with 16000 /16500 rpm max.
Stupid shit haha


I mean, thats cool and all, but I am just going off a data sheet unless you can show me like data of it revving that hard