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December 19, 2024, 07:42:35 PM


Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

How do you add different engines

Started by KarterWill_39, March 23, 2017, 08:08:29 PM

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How do I add a place to put the files so they will appear in the game ?? Help please !!


create an engine and karts  folder and put the engine files in there.

Bob Dobbolina

Hi again, do you mean create a folder, name it exactly  "engine and karts", or make two folders naming one 'engines' and one 'karts'?
and put that/those in the folder named 'kart racing pro'? or where?


Program files (x86 ) / Kart Racing Pro / engines
Program files ( x86) / Kart Racing Pro / karts

They are seperate.


I tried adding the Club100 engine and kart by following your method but they don't come up in the lists..... Any thoughts?


Quote from: ledom on July 14, 2017, 08:27:11 PM
I tried adding the Club100 engine and kart by following your method but they don't come up in the lists..... Any thoughts?

The mod is probably out dated.


download beta10
there works nearly and old mod


hi whenever I try to use the engine I downloaded my game freezes and switches off. Please can someone help me with this.


What engine are you trying to use it sounds like you're trying to use an outdated engine and your game is crashing