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How to change the divers view

Started by Gog, February 02, 2017, 11:43:05 PM

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I am a newbe, have never even used a forum before let alone this one , so I hope I am in the right place. I downlaod KRC after using the demo with my son. We both thought it was great. We tried several different views but always went back to the view where you are the driver and you can see the wheel and you hands. Tonight I was setting up it for my son and found the view had changed and was as if looking at the driver and kart from behind ( as if you were following him). I could not get it to change to any other view in the settings. I'd highlight what I wanted but it made no difference, when I got to the track, still the same view. Have come out of the program and resarted several times but still the same. what am I doing wrong and how do I fix this.


There is a change view button configuration in settings. assign that to a button or key  and press it while on the track.  You can also tweak the pitch and field of view in settings (last tab i believe "misc")  You also can apply and disable driving aids in that folder.
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


Thank you. Its easy when you are shown how.
Do you have to asign buttons every time you start the sim or is there a way to fix them untill you need to change them?. what is full heading for in the simulation settings?
Lastly is there an idiots guide some where in these forums for people who know little of programing/ computers etc. On how to down load new tracks   and how to get them in this program,
Thanks again for your help.


February 03, 2017, 03:36:15 AM #3 Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 03:39:08 AM by EVO

  • The game will remember your configuration, as long as you close it through the interface and not though task manager.

  • Full heading is used with look left and look right assignments instead of just looking at your blind spot it will look all the way to the rear.
    You can also achieve full heading without activating the setting by looking left at you blind spot (or right) and then holding down the look back button at the same time. 

  • Adding tracks is pretty easy. In your kart racing pro install folder. By default it is found in your windows explorer local drive > programfiles(x86)  In the KRP folder create another folder named tracks. and put the downloaded tracks in there. You may need to download 7zip if you dont already have it.  After installing that right click on the compressed track and extract it inside that "tracks" folder.  Make sure the extracted files are in a regular folder with the track's name. You can see what I mean by extracting "tracks.pkz" in the KRP folder.
    You can find a ton of tracks here: http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=4785.0 
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


Thanks again. Since I last posted, my windows 7 pc has packed up and I now have a new second hand one, an I7 4770 8gb ram running windows 10 , and with my old graphics card gtx 460 and my old 37" tv/ monitor. I have reinstalled KRP but now have two faults I did not have before. My g25 does not come up in the settings Controller Profile any more. Any ideas
The other is. I was running the sim before with graphics set at 1920x1080 in the sim and on the monitor . But now , with the new pc  if I set it higher than 1360x768 in the sim , I cannot click on anything on the first screen because the mouse  will not go low enough. I have looked on the forum and seen on another fault like this but there was no solution. So again I am open to any solutions .
Thanks again for your time and help. I would have been stuck without help.


I have solved the problem of the wheel not being recognised. It just needed the logitech profiler to be reinstalled. Still cannot find away of upping the resolution of the game.


Now solved the problem of using 1920x1080 in KRP and not being able to get the mouse to bottom of the page on my Tv/monitor. windows 10 had set a large font size 150%. I reduced the font to !00% and it works now with 1920x1080  in the sim and on my monitor.