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Started by HornetMaX, May 29, 2014, 10:40:42 PM

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how long did it take you to make it? How difficult was it to manipulate random's code for PiBoSo's sims?  May inquire to acquire the code so that I can have a shot at a personal hud design?
To download all my dashes, airboxes, tracks, and more
click here or see my personal website


Quote from: EVO on June 05, 2014, 11:09:42 PM
how long did it take you to make it?
I didn't count the time spent on it and I've been adding features for a long time.
Despite being a comp. science engineer, I was a bit rusty on development as I no longer work in this field, so I lost quite some time at start.
Right now, when I have to add a new feature it'a matter of a minutes to hours (unless it's something very complex).

Quote from: EVO on June 05, 2014, 11:09:42 PM
How difficult was it to manipulate random's code for PiBoSo's sims?
As always with other's code, it's a bit hard to understand. Random's code was also with very few comments and in a strange language (strange to me at least, not even sure if it was hungarian or something like that).
After having understood it, I've essentially rewritten everything, not sure there's a single line left in.

Quote from: EVO on June 05, 2014, 11:09:42 PM
May inquire to acquire the code so that I can have a shot at a personal hud design?

Random's code no, I cannot send it to you.

My one yes (send me a PM with your email), but  I can warn you from now that if you're not proficient in C++, then you're entering a world of pain: it's 4000+ lines of messy code (without counting blank lines, comments and not even some preprocessor stuff), overcomplicated by the fact it can be compiled for GPB, WRS and KRP.

Two wheels, more than enough.


Is this possible to run this on beta 10b, As at the moment we are running SimVibe and that is not able to run with beta 11.


Quote from: maxrod on June 06, 2014, 09:12:44 AM
Is this possible to run this on beta 10b, As at the moment we are running SimVibe and that is not able to run with beta 11.
I would have to make a dedicated builld for this, which in turns implies I'd have to fetch piboso's plugin interface for beta10b (I don't have it, maybe somebody has it around or Piboso can fetch it) and adapt some code.
I'd be really happy to avoid doing that as it could become a maintenace nightmare. In any case, one day or the other you'l have to move forward  so ...

What's the problem with SimVibe and beta11 ?

Two wheels, more than enough.


Thanks for the reply, It is not for me it is for some one else I will have to get in touch with the person to find out, As you would think if SimVib works with 10b sooner or later it has to work with beta 11, But then again are people going to keep updating software plugins tracks ect with every beta, as there has now been over 11.


Quote from: maxrod on June 06, 2014, 12:59:55 PM
But then again are people going to keep updating software plugins tracks ect with every beta, as there has now been over 11.
Plugins and tracks may not need to be updated every single beta. For plugins it's only if the plugin interface changes (which has been the case from 10 to 11, but not on many other betas).

Anyway, for my plugins and stuff, I'll keep updating them: usually it's just a 2 hours job as most of the time the changes are done by Piboso in order to minimize impact on the plugins.

Two wheels, more than enough.


v1.8.0 out:

  • Updated for GPB beta5 (no changes for KRP and WRS).

Two wheels, more than enough.


v1.8.1 out:

  • Updated for WRS beta5 (no changes for GPB and KRP).

Two wheels, more than enough.


September 29, 2014, 11:46:22 PM #23 Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 08:48:07 AM by HornetMaX
v1.9.0 out:

  • LiveGapBar replaces LiveGap (Klax75 suggestion, similar to iRacing indicator).
  • Plugin rate bumped at 50Hz (from 20Hz): shouldn't be a problem and makes everything smoother.
  • Widgets cannot be moved out of the screen.
  • Widgets cannot be moved if they are not enabled.
  • Interpolated colors in HUDInputs (just eye candy).
  • Some default sizes are slightly changed.
  • .ini file structure modified (one section per widget + global section).
  • .ini file version bumped to 7: you will lose your plugin settings as they will be reset to defaults.

Two wheels, more than enough.


v1.9.1 out:

  • Fix a bunch of bugs in LiveGapBar (I must have been very drunk).

Two wheels, more than enough.


v1.9.2 out:

  • Now works for MXB too (no changes for other versions).

Two wheels, more than enough.


v1.9.3 out:

  • Bug fixed: MXB has only 2 sector times, not 3. Doh !

Two wheels, more than enough.


I just get it !

very nice thank you.


November 28, 2014, 09:30:04 PM #28 Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 09:33:54 PM by dibu
As already said the MaxHud plugin is still the plugin of the year for me.:)

Max, I've noticed a time difference between -0.2 and -0.9 seconds at the splits between your tool and PiBoSo's time in the dash. Do you know what's the reason?


Quote from: dibu on November 28, 2014, 09:30:04 PM
As already said the MaxHud plugin is still the plugin of the year for me.:)
Way too generous. And I stil lowe you a beer :)

Quote from: dibu on November 28, 2014, 09:30:04 PM
Max, I've noticed a time difference between -0.2 and -0.9 seconds at the splits between your tool and PiBoBo's time in the dash. Do you know what's the reason?

I guess you mean the live-gap line in the timing widget, right ? From the manual:

QuoteLine 4 is for LiveGap: it's the time difference at (roughly) the same spot on the track between your current lap and your best lap. Kind of a ghost for the poors. You'll notice two values: the 1st one is compute with GPB/WRS/KRP timing info (_fTime), the second with Windows accurate timer. Normally GPB/WRS/KRP info should be enough, but for some unexplained reasons GPB/WRS/KRP''s _fTime sometimes drifts off (I've seen errors of 0.7s on a single lap). Once the issue is sorted out I'll keep only one value.

Honestly, I asked Piboso at least 3 times to have a look at why the game time passed to the plugin (_fTime) drifts off like this, but I never got any answer.

I'm making one last attempt here: http://forum.piboso.com/index.php?topic=1769.0

Two wheels, more than enough.