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30% race distance challenge

Started by Cross, June 22, 2013, 06:21:41 AM

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Good idea this challenge. Cross!
I hope it's the future in "off-line Hot-lapping" with this great sim.
This way (race_mode and more then one lap but ... no many laps) is interesting because:
1) Player must engage his skill ... quickly  :)
2) Player has to be continual more then ... lucky  8)
3) With no many laps there isn't so much rubber on track  ;)
So, me and two friends of mine .... will join your challenge, hoping it will be a "New" for this sim  :)

P.S. I hope my english translates correctly my thought!  :o


Can't wait to see your times Vaillant. I agree on all of your points. This shows who are the good drivers are. You have to be consistent over several laps and up to speed on cold tires the first few laps.


June 29, 2013, 01:11:13 AM #32 Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 05:36:11 PM by Vaillant
(not certified)
"Full" Hard Core Mode
15' qualifying session and ... no more "rubbering laps"

Fixed Weather
6'48''449 (really 6'48''446)
Best Lap 43''920



How do you insert the screen????!!!!! Yours are not "attachments!!!  :o


If your image is online just put {img}link to picture{/img} in your post. Replace {} with brackets []

To get the link to the picture you want to post right click on it and copy image location.

Peyo Peev

Lonato - mini 60 fixed weather, stock setup

That's my first attempt, i'll try more on essay, coz the laps look a lot more competitive.