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Track registration

Started by PiBoSo, February 12, 2011, 12:54:55 AM

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February 12, 2011, 12:54:55 AM Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 01:36:18 PM by PiBoSo
To register a track head to this address: http://www.piboso.com/trackreg/trackreg.php

Select "Kart Racing Pro" on top.

Track ID: the name of the directory of the track.
Track Layout: the name of the directory of the layout. Empty for base track.
Track Name: the name as it will appear in statistics.
Track Code: is generated during collisions ( TRP file ) export.

Race data ( RDF file ) used for the first online lap is registered.

To update an already registered track, set Track ID and provide the previous code in Prev. Track Code. All records are deleted and race data is cleared.


Wow, that comes pretty unexpected. What a cool feature! Will be fun to compare laptimes on the different tracks, which will raise motivation to play the game again  8)


I have registered Magescq BETA :)

When I finnish the final version, I will update this registration too.

THX Piboso


Thank you so much for this  ;D


I have registered the track faßberg, i`ve set the 2 names and the Track code but in the stats, the recorder does not record.


i have registrated a new track and it works so i thik i have written a wrong trackcode to faßberg. Piboso can you please delete Faßberg ? so i can registrate it new with the right track code.
Thank you


comment fait on pour trouver le code track ???


can only modders registry own track in statistic?

because, maybe someone made/converted some good tracks but he is not interestered in krp anymore.

here there is a generic request for track registrations http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=636.0 but tracks are still the same

here a my request for ellough registration, no answer



theoretically, all can registrate the tracks you only need the TRP code for this. this code you get from 3ds by export the trp. So normally only modders or converter guys have this code.
If you have the code you can do it too ;)


registered ellough twice still can't get records in stats, trp code correct, maybe id the name of the directory of the track, maybe this could be explained, i have done some laps online and still no stats.


Quote from: maxrod on June 09, 2011, 03:25:06 PM
registered ellough twice still can't get records in stats, trp code correct, maybe id the name of the directory of the track, maybe this could be explained, i have done some laps online and still no stats.

Track ID must be the name of the track's directory.


sorry for not understanding track ID must be the name of tracks directory, is this the name in configuration settings as name of the track.


How can I delete a track? If I can't, please delete Villarcayo alpha1 and alpha2, thx


Can the creator of "La Conca" register the track please?

It would be nice to have it in the list to compare our times!


I really need to know how to delete a track... I have FOUR obsolete tracks!