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Wackersdorf Outdoor Release

Started by LauZzZn, September 24, 2012, 08:03:54 PM

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James Beer

Quote from: LauZzZn on November 05, 2012, 06:09:46 PM
thurst me its right. i won german championship there and know every milimeter at wackersdorf. maybe i changed the scaling of tge texture.

yes i know you won it their also the photo was taken their look at your video then compare it to the picture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2fuHZT5OhE&feature=plcp the track texture is different just change that and it will be fine ;)


i said i exactly know the track!
on the picture number 55 is sophia flörsch
Retired, studied 3D Artist
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James Beer

just get rid of the white stones and thats it, just do a normal asphalt colour


it is the right texture!!! what u see is the rubber on track. you have never been there. i know the track very well!
Retired, studied 3D Artist
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Teammanager of Dutt Motorsport


Guys please! It's great that you have suggestions, but if the track creator says he is happy with it then respect that, stop going on about it! thanks


btw you havent tested first.
ad i dont say im happy, i say its like this is real.
but lets stop that diskussion here.
Retired, studied 3D Artist
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2021 ELMS Champion LMP3
2022 3rd 24h Le Mans LMP2
Teammanager of Dutt Motorsport


I drive in Wackersdorf when it was created! and i was Winner in ICA and Formula A seveal times....but for me it is not a reason to say somethings wrong because I dont know how to create a track........when the track creator know what he is doing then you have to accept this! when not....create it on your own  ;)

I dont say anything because there were no questions from LauZzZn..........he do what he can....an WE should be happy and not search for faults  ;)     

Thank you for your work and passion to make tracks and other things FOR US  :) :-* ;)

Greetings, GhostriderPL

If you want to Finish First you have to Finish First!


We want Wackersdorf too the stats! ;)


its not finished yet. i do it to the stats when its finished.
Retired, studied 3D Artist
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2021 ELMS Champion LMP3
2022 3rd 24h Le Mans LMP2
Teammanager of Dutt Motorsport



First of all: Thanks for creating one of the must popular tracks in Europe!

My impressions are:
1) Like the other guy said, the white stone do really annoy me! ;)
2) You did the entire track flat, and that's a real pity! In my opinion these different heights are a very important points, which make the track so special! (The last so called "hill" is not really close to the reality, sorry!)

Anyways, good job dude! Keep going and we'll get a nice track soon!

Intrepid // TM // Dunlop (KZ2)


so there are little heigth differences but i cant change any heights anymore.
Retired, studied 3D Artist
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2021 ELMS Champion LMP3
2022 3rd 24h Le Mans LMP2
Teammanager of Dutt Motorsport


You need to move the hill at the end of the track back a bit and make it smoother because in real life they go flat round the corner after the hill on the first lap in a shifter on krp im only just flat after like 10 laps in the shifter

Falling for kk like


Quote from: LauZzZn on November 12, 2012, 05:34:15 PM
so there are little heigth differences but i cant change any heights anymore.

have you read this post?
Retired, studied 3D Artist
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2021 ELMS Champion LMP3
2022 3rd 24h Le Mans LMP2
Teammanager of Dutt Motorsport


could you write your bug reports of the track here ?
no wishes of changes just the bugs !!!
Retired, studied 3D Artist
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2021 ELMS Champion LMP3
2022 3rd 24h Le Mans LMP2
Teammanager of Dutt Motorsport