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Track conversion tutorial rFactor - Kart Racing Pro

Started by Racehard, January 07, 2011, 01:50:19 PM

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Thank you! When I closed the centerline, I didn't realize it changed the first one to 10,00XXXm... Now it works! Thank you!


April 21, 2011, 12:19:04 PM #121 Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 12:20:44 PM by Matthijs050
Quote from: Nitrox on April 13, 2011, 05:36:22 PM
Thank you! When I closed the centerline, I didn't realize it changed the first one to 10,00XXXm... Now it works! Thank you!

I have time record problems with my track. And just like you, i saw that my first segment (the straight of 10 m) is changed indeed to 10.XX meter, when you finally close the centerline !!

How do i close the track, and still hold the first segment excactly on 10 m ?????
I wanna know, because its maybe the solution for my time record problem.


Quote from: Matthijs050 on April 21, 2011, 12:19:04 PM
Quote from: Nitrox on April 13, 2011, 05:36:22 PM
Thank you! When I closed the centerline, I didn't realize it changed the first one to 10,00XXXm... Now it works! Thank you!

I have time record problems with my track. And just like you, i saw that my first segment (the straight of 10 m) is changed indeed to 10.XX meter, when you finally close the centerline !!

How do i close the track, and still hold the first segment excactly on 10 m ?????
I wanna know, because its maybe the solution for my time record problem.

The first segment doesn't need to be exactly 10 meters long.


why i can`t open tracks from other piboso sims in tracked or mapviewer? it´crashes.


May 20, 2011, 09:20:02 PM #124 Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 07:38:53 PM by Nitrox
Hi guys,

another strange problem occured today building a new track with BTB. I want to build a track with three different layouts, so I created a lot of tracks and merged them using BTB. The problem is, that I get very different outputs from BTB, .map and .trp file concerning the z axis of objects. I can't merge the tracks to be visually correct in BTB, .map file and to be a correct collision object. I hope the screenshots explain my problem:

Left: BTB
Right: MapViever
Underneath: Kart is stuck with tyres in the air: The track that overlaps the other in .map file, seems to be MUCH lower than the other track in .trp file

I hope somebody can help me... this is annoying! I converted the tarmac using this guide.

Edit: Just read PiBoSo's track creation rules again to figure out if I the problem could be the track name... didn't find the answer. I simply named the track textures TRKASPH_object0X... The main problem I think is that the tracks overlap just one way in Mapview/KRP, and I can't change it. Could this be a problem with the names? Anyone?


why cant you merge them?

is mandatory, all the tracks have to be in the same z point

Put more screenshots and more clear please


you have to remove the alpha channel from the tarmac texture


 :D The alpha channel solved the problem, thank you very much! I really apprecieate this community and board!



Can some one convert this track http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Circuit%20De%20Landsard
A smooth race never made a skillful racer.


What about trying yourself? step by step and if you need help here is enough ;)


A smooth race never made a skillful racer.


Why nah, No i can`t very busy at the moment with other tracks


Hey im trying to convert Grindsted gokart track. Im following all the steps but when im putting the gmt files into 3ds max i turns grey.
ive read that Schwoni had the same problem but i cant understand what he did to solve the problem?

Driver for G.P Racing denmark


my problem was that i don`t have had the gmt`s and dds in same folder, copy all dds and gmt in one folder than do a new folder and convert there the dds into tga. only tga in this new folder. in first should be gmt and dds. the u choose in texture path the tga folder, and in other path the gmt AND dds folder. then it should work this was ma fail ;)