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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

Australia / New Zealand Championship Sign Up

Started by JamieP, January 27, 2012, 03:44:09 AM

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January 27, 2012, 03:44:09 AM Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 04:33:53 AM by LostCause001
*******Rules Updated on 28th April 2012**********

Kart Racing Pro Australia/New Zealand KC3 Championship

Calendar - Wednesday Nights
Practice Round - 1st Feb - Russian Ring – Dry (No Points Awarded)
Round 1 - 15th Feb - Essay Long - Wet
Round 2 - 7th Mar – Russian Ring - Dry
Round 3 - 14th Mar - Goldenport - Dry
Round 4 - 4th Apr - Amsterdam Outdoor - Dry
Round 5 - 11th Apr - Magescq - Dry
Round 6 - 18th Apr - Bueren - Dry
Round 7 - 2nd May - Dijon - Wet
Round 8 - 16th May - Mariambourg - Dry
Round 9 - 30th May - Rye House - Dry
Round 10 - 13th June - Villarcayo - Dry with Wet Track
Round 11 - 27th June - Toowoomba - Dry

Any track which we encounter issue on will be replaced with a track from the known good list

Racing Rules

Event Schedule
1. All events start at 7.00pm Sydney Time. GMT+ 10 (or GMT+ 11 in daylight savings time). The hosting server will be online from 5.30pm on the day of the event.
2. Practice sessions are 60 min in length.
3. Qualifying sessions are 10 min in length.
4. Race distance will be set at 80%.

Driving Standards
5. Race starts and roll up laps are to be done in formation with no brake checking or weaving. Races will not be restarted for any reason other than a server failure.
6. Race starts are controlled by the track/server. Please practice a few starts offline so that you know the procedure and please take it easy in turn 1.
Note: Races are never won on lap 1 but plenty are lost on lap 1.
7. Minimum of 2 wheels must remain on the track at all times as designated by the solid white lines bordering the track. Consistent track cutting will result in DQ from the event. If you accidently cut the track to hold or gain a position, the other vehicle must be allowed past. If you cut the track during Qualifying, please slow down enough as to not set your best time.
8. Please give your fellow competitors racing room. If they are on the inside, don't turn in on them. If you are on the inside, do not drive your competitor off the track on the exit. Time penalties may be applied after the event completion.
9. There is no blocking allowed during the races.
10. It is always the responsibility of the passing driver to make the pass cleanly. If you make contact and cause a competitor to go off-track a DQ or time penalty may be applied after the event. Repeat offenders may receive a race ban for 1 event.
11. There is to be no blocking during qualifying for any reason. Remember, Qualifying is to set your fastest lap. Blocking or trying to race someone serves no purpose here.
12. Lairing or hoon behaviour, including but not limited to purposely crashing, doughnuts on the infield, brake checks, etc. , will not be tolerated and may result in a warning via chat window. If the behaviour continues, the perpitrator will be booted from the server and banned.

Series Points
13. Races will have points awarded for pre-final and final races.The points structure is:
1st = 10 points
2nd = 8 points
3rd = 6 points
4th = 5 points
5th = 4 points
6th = 3 points
7th = 2 points
8th = 1 point
Note:- Finals are double points.

Protests & Post Race Review
14. Races will be reviewed once protests are received and penalties may be applied. Penalties may include time penalties, rear of grid penalties, disqualifications, series points penalties and race bans. All decisions and penalties are final.


January 27, 2012, 03:45:26 AM #1 Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 05:52:32 AM by LostCause001
I'll kick things off.

Name: Jamie Passlow
Kart: Tony
Skin: Default
Number: 83


January 27, 2012, 09:08:24 AM #2 Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 07:06:52 AM by Mitdawg48
Name: Tim Harris
Kart: C - Maranello
Skin: TBA (Will advise when complete)
Number: 9

Looking forward to it :)


Can you change the days of the races on the weekend?
Because I'm from Germany and at Friday morning is not so good.


Name: Dylan Shepherd
Kart: Arrow
Skin: TBA
Number: 4

@joshii.karting it's an Australian/New Zealand Series so we won't change for someone in a different country


@Arrowjmax4 ok than I can't drive in this championship   :'(

Ryan Harris


Quote from: Joshiii.Karting on January 28, 2012, 03:13:37 AM
Can you change the days of the races on the weekend?
Because I'm from Germany and at Friday morning is not so good.
Your welcome to join us if you can but the times won't be changed. Also, if you have a high ping rate and it's causing issues for other drivers, you'll be booted from the server. Sorry but there's nothing worse than a morphing kart to ruin your race.


Quote from: LostCause001 on January 28, 2012, 09:33:05 AM
Quote from: Joshiii.Karting on January 28, 2012, 03:13:37 AM
Can you change the days of the races on the weekend?
Because I'm from Germany and at Friday morning is not so good.
Your welcome to join us if you can but the times won't be changed. Also, if you have a high ping rate and it's causing issues for other drivers, you'll be booted from the server. Sorry but there's nothing worse than a morphing kart to ruin your race.

IN Germany is at this time morning (7:00) and then I can't drive the championship.
Maybe I can at one or two races!!!    :D


Quote from: Joshiii.Karting on January 28, 2012, 11:28:23 AM
IN Germany is at this time morning (7:00) and then I can't drive the championship.
Maybe I can at one or two races!!!    :D
You're welcome to join us if you can and I look forward to seeing you on track.

PS. Might want to check the times again though. The racing starts Wednesday night 7.30 out time which by my calculations would be 9.00am Wednesday German time. I am probably wrong though.  :D


Driver: Scott Briscoe
Kart: Intrepid
Skin: Cruiser v
Number: 9
Country: New Zealand
Intrepid // KZ-Rotax-KF // MG


Quote from: Intrepid_69 on February 01, 2012, 03:16:13 AM
Driver: Scott Briscoe
Kart: Intrepid
Skin: Cruiser v
Number: 9
Country: New Zealand
Sorry Scott but #9 has been claimed. Can you please select another number

Sorry all but server will not be up till about 6.30 tonight. Sorry but am working off-site a little late


Hi all, I will be using the Maranello 2011 Bianco Tribal Skin for this series. You can download from this link:


I will also be using a custom helmet paint, but I will upload that in a couple of days time.



Driver: Ed VH
Kart: Tony
Skin: Plain White
Number: 48
Country: Aus


Driver: Daniel Judson
Kart: ? Default
Skin: Default
Number: 11
Country: Australia

Will the server be found as normal in the in-game "world" server list?? THis is new to me, and I keep seeming to get hangs whilst connecting after the screen says "Connected" and the only option given is to click "Close" which aborts back to the server list rather than progress to the online race pits...? Does anyone have any ideas that could help?

I have managed to join an online race about twice, but mostly it just sits there for ever and ever - like 40mins even... if i press escape or click the close it just kicks me back to the server list.. help please.

