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Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)


Started by cnt997, December 08, 2011, 02:50:42 AM

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Ryan Harris

March 21, 2014, 03:51:26 AM #165 Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 03:53:13 AM by MrShowtime22
At this current time, we havnt talked about it. I think engines might come before new chassis. This is where hopefully modding will come in. This is my opinion.

But in the past couple of days that i have been talking to him, he has just said that he is 100% focused on getting the kickstarter program going so we can play asap.
Thats all i want atm ahaha.

Birel-Rotax 42


March 21, 2014, 11:44:39 AM #167 Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 11:47:28 AM by PiBoSo
Quote from: MrShowtime22 on March 21, 2014, 03:28:19 AM
And saying that the models don't look that great just makes me facepalm if your comparing the models to KRP.

Kartsim will for sure be the best karting simulator ever and even cure Groats disease, but it is a fact that, at the moment, the kart model is worse than KRP ones. Zach would probably agree.
Looking forward to release. Competition is always good. It will be interesting to see comparisons.


i cant wait to see how this stacks up to KRP, i have recentyl started using both KRP and rFactor 1 and for Karts KRP wins hands down, if we could jut get more tracks and engine mods it will be the best kart sim out there, of course this comes with time.

If KRP wasnt the best sim why did iZone use it for there sim that they charged people to use. the one thing rFactor does have on KRP is the oppoinents, its great saying just race online but it would be nice to be able to add some AI drivers and set the difficulty of them.


Ryan Harris

The models may be lacking in Kartsim, but i think the fact that almost all the components move around and actually react in real time is amazing.
Guys, dont forget, i love KRP. I have put... sooooo.. mannyy.. hours into this sim and I am so happy that PiBoSo has given us a pure sim experience. Its just I am so excited to have something fresh, something new. KRP will always be there (hopefully we can find a fix for windows 8.1 seeing as I cant play atm) but the future is full of change :)

Yes KRP karts bounce around and react properly, but i just feel as if the karts arnt as lively and twitchy and reactive as they possibly could be. NOTE this is probably due to track surface, not the kart physics itself. The karts feel like real karts but im just wondering how far we can go with the feeling of a real karting experience. Its the whole debate about how replicating a kart is so hard comparing to a road car/racing car. Its a challenge that will be around for along time still im sure :)

I like receiving your guys opinions and I respect your views on it, If you do disagree or see things alittle different to me please make sure to voice your opinion just like sam, piboso, and dpkarter etc.
This is how a forum is supposed to be, constructive criticism.


People will have there own needs, as for me I need a SIM that I can mod we still don't  know enough about kartsim at present for example is there going to be AI as I believe that lots of people would like, The thing is if we haven't got the information on what this kartsim has then it is hard to give opinions.


By the look on the video I think the game is going to be awesome and I hope that it does come competitive with KRP. But then again its just a video and we wont know actually how good it is till we play it. But so far it looks good and has some great features like being able to walk around and also a big fan of the Aussie tracks and Karts!!! Cant wait till it comes out!!
BTW, MrShowTime is there anyway I could help him out or get into beta testing or something. Cause im from Aus and I think I could help him make tracks or chassis's or karts. It would be really awesome if u could ask.

James Beer

Looking forward to the release of kartsim and seeing how it compares to KRP, both sims i think will have different qualities that we like and dislike. I will still play both no matter what because of the different features each of them will bring to the market. I think though some people may have lost interest because of the lack of communication which is a shame really as it looks promising like the features PiBoSo has proposed that are going to be included in the final release of KRP, we cannot say its bad at the moment as we have not tried it only then we can have opinion on how it handles.

Ryan Harris

Quote from: DPKarter#43 on March 22, 2014, 12:57:19 PM
BTW, MrShowTime is there anyway I could help him out or get into beta testing or something. Cause im from Aus and I think I could help him make tracks or chassis's or karts. It would be really awesome if u could ask.

The kartsim.com website/forum is being setup as we speak and you will be able to directly ask him yourself once the website goes live :) i do not have a exact date but if you go here http://kartsim.com/ you can fill out the details and you will recieve emails on all the latest (thats the aim of it, hopefully it works that way). i think your in with a good chance of helping him out.


Okay Thanks Showtime, can't wait!! :)

Ryan Harris

Quote from: DPKarter#43 on March 23, 2014, 02:53:54 PM
Okay Thanks Showtime, can't wait!! :)

Oh I feel the same dont you worry about that ;) Hoping to do ALOT of skinning and template designs for the game. I have access to the Arrow AX9 template already hehe.


Oh awesome, I used to have and race a AX9. But sold it because I out crew it. I race a X1-30C with a KT100S/Clubman engine.

Braden Eves

To be honest this game looks beyond shit. KRP will blow it out of the water and rFactor 2 also. I have been playing rfactor 2 and I am very impressed.

Birel-Rotax 42

Quote from: Braden Eves on April 03, 2014, 12:29:01 AM
To be honest this game looks beyond shit. KRP will blow it out of the water and rFactor 2 also. I have been playing rfactor 2 and I am very impressed.



April 03, 2014, 10:29:30 PM #179 Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 01:28:02 AM by fmaisonnave
I think KRP have the best simulation of the kart, but a crap interface compared with kart sim, krp will need one more piboso track,  new sounds *example down*,  and a better interface it will be the best sim by far
Example kf1 suzuka sound: http://youtu.be/ccGhUCGXcNI
Krp KF1: http://youtu.be/gpmtkrW406o
and about gsc i think the sounds are better and have more tracks, but poor physics
And with an ai in krp will be great and more popular because you can only race online and there are noto much drivers online