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one paint for Demo

Started by dbr659, January 03, 2012, 02:57:24 PM

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I searched the internet and this forum and found out that you have to buy the license key to get
the full game so you can put paints in them.

My parents wont buy me the game and i don't have a creditcard (i'm 15 years old).

Is it possible to put one downloaded paint in the demo version? I really want to drive with white/blue of Zanardi Kart
(Nyck de Vries)

Please help!!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'(


The Iceman Marco

In demo it isn't possible, you have to buy the game if you want to drive with a paint.


okee, are you sure??

I have one paint in the demo version(Tony Kart). I think it's in the karts.pkz file.

Is it possible to change that paint from Tony Kart to Zanardi Kart??

Please say yes and tell me how!!

Great thanx!!!!!!!!!

The Iceman Marco

I don't know if it's possible to change that karts.pkz and how. But I don't think it's possible.

And there is another problem, the Zanardi paint isn't made for the Tony karts but for the CRG. So you need the CRG for that paint, which isn't in the demo aswell.



I hope somebody is able to found out if it is possible.

Maybe the makers of the game can put it in the beta 5 version??

Can you buy the game only online with a creditcard or is it also possible
to do it thrue a bank??

I live in Holland!!



You don't need a creditcard, I used paypal to buy the game. It's the best kart simulator around at the moment, totally worth the 22 euros :)