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Track Creation In SketchUp

Started by _NathanS7_, July 02, 2017, 04:23:23 PM

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Hi Guys,

I understand that for track editing wisdom, this is the place?  ;D
I'm a proper newbie so apologies in advance for my ignorance!

I've decided to try track creation for Kart Racing Pro and my go to software has always been SketchUp. I've currently got the track in question (Circuit Julie Tonelli, Beaucaire, France) up to a very basic stage where the layout and terrain are modelled (file available for download @ https://we.tl/xWREWvr046).

Very simple question for all of you wise folk: what next?  :P

A more specific question: at what point does coding come into the track creation process?
For instance, regarding textures, when are these implemented? Do I have to add them in modelling software or "code" them? (I've seen files with lines of code relative to grass height, etc etc...).

I can't get my head around the PiBoSo documentation provided @ http://docs.piboso.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page (Is the MXB Track Creation Guide valid for Kart Racing Pro?) and I'm yet to find a well explained step-by-step tutorial (all those available are far from "intuitive"...) so I'm at a bit of a loss and could benefit from your experience.

Any good video tutorials that you may be aware of would be particularly valuable to me...

Many thanks in advance for any tips you guys may have, it's greatly appreciated!



I will try make this sound as simple as possible.

To make the whole process as easy as possible, just make a folder in your computer somewhere and call it textures ( that way you have a bank with them all in the same spot no matter what )
Textures have to be either TGA or BMP's. ( 1024x1024 / 2048x2048 size for TGA's)

So naming stuff.

The track mesh -
Pre fix - " TRK "
Suffix - " ASPH " = highest level grip surface  " BASPH " second highest " CASPH " Lower grid asphalt surface ( There is also KERB, CONC, TURF )

The Grass is-
Pre - " TRK "
Suf - " GRAS "

Pre - TRK
Suf - KERB

Walls -
Pre - WLL
Suf - " CONC " " ARMC " " WIRE " "TYRE "  ( pretty self explanatory to what they represent )

obviously just texture everything whilst in the program and I am assuming you will be exporting it as and FBX to put it into the FBX2EDF converter
( Otherwise you will need to download 3ds max 2010 and then get the plug ins, going through the process of that is a bit lengthy but the plugin for 3ds max works way more efficiently than the fbx2edf converter )

and then obviously export as a map, then a collision, the map file will take a bit to convert so you may need to leave the computer for a while as it will look like the program has crashed ( to be fair it probably will crash because its a bit broken ). Then used TrackEd ( PiBoSo has a work flow chart in his docs somewhere that explain that in full ).

Hopefully that has cleared anything up for you.


Thanks a lot Cory, your post certainly helps for the naming of things!  ;D

Regarding modelling things that a kart can contact (such as solid and tyre walls), is there a specific procedure to follow?  :-\


Quote from: _NathanS7_ on July 03, 2017, 11:42:06 AM
Thanks a lot Cory, your post certainly helps for the naming of things!  ;D

Regarding modelling things that a kart can contact (such as solid and tyre walls), is there a specific procedure to follow?  :-\

yeah, "wall" objects were stated,
Pre - "WLL"

( TRK = track type surfaces in which you can drive on )
(WLL = Wall type objects that you run into )


Ah okay I think I misunderstood you, sorry for that.
By naming do you mean just for naming textures or naming the actual objects modelled in SketchUp? Is the whole prefix & suffix thing for naming components, groups, layers etc?



Quote from: _NathanS7_ on July 03, 2017, 04:50:14 PM
Ah okay I think I misunderstood you, sorry for that.
By naming do you mean just for naming textures or naming the actual objects modelled in SketchUp? Is the whole prefix & suffix thing for naming components, groups, layers etc?


The pre and suf thing is solely for objects not textures


I may have explained that slightly wrong, not sure if it makes a difference, but its actually " Base name " where you put all the " ASPH, ARMC " etc. not in the " suffix " slot, not sure if it makes a difference, but just thought i would clear that up if something isn't working.