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February 19, 2025, 12:43:27 AM


Kart Racing Pro release13e available! :)

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Messages - EVO

Finally finished the conversion. I thought I shold post some tips if anyone else planned to do this to their engines.I used calipers to precisely measure the drive crank taper.  I found Tal-Ko Racing that makes direct drive parts for the TKM BT82 engines which is a 99% match the taper on the Sonik TX125 engine. They are in Great Britain so I had to pay $30USD in shipping, but I ordered tools and spare sprocket too.   Here is the link to the videos sorry in advance about the cameraman skills and the audio is a little off. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xt7PVgqllRqWtYImQ5EbfbytJaSA5Qg1?usp=sharing
Engines / Re: Yamaha KT100S v0.5
June 17, 2020, 09:49:50 AM
Looking good.
Engines / Re: Parilla Sudam v0.3
June 17, 2020, 09:47:02 AM
Good job Max thanks for cred
Tracks / Re: [Release] Lydd Kart Circuit (FINAL)
October 05, 2017, 02:08:28 AM
Sorry my website server crashes often. I'll get it back up. The Google drive link in my profile will always work.
General Discussion / Re: How to change the divers view
February 03, 2017, 03:36:15 AM

  • The game will remember your configuration, as long as you close it through the interface and not though task manager.

  • Full heading is used with look left and look right assignments instead of just looking at your blind spot it will look all the way to the rear.
    You can also achieve full heading without activating the setting by looking left at you blind spot (or right) and then holding down the look back button at the same time. 

  • Adding tracks is pretty easy. In your kart racing pro install folder. By default it is found in your windows explorer local drive > programfiles(x86)  In the KRP folder create another folder named tracks. and put the downloaded tracks in there. You may need to download 7zip if you dont already have it.  After installing that right click on the compressed track and extract it inside that "tracks" folder.  Make sure the extracted files are in a regular folder with the track's name. You can see what I mean by extracting "tracks.pkz" in the KRP folder.
    You can find a ton of tracks here: http://forum.kartracing-pro.com/index.php?topic=4785.0 
General Discussion / Re: How to change the divers view
February 03, 2017, 12:08:09 AM
There is a change view button configuration in settings. assign that to a button or key  and press it while on the track.  You can also tweak the pitch and field of view in settings (last tab i believe "misc")  You also can apply and disable driving aids in that folder.
Support / Forum attachment file size
February 02, 2017, 11:50:25 PM
Can we increase it to 1.5 or even 2 MB? So we can attach 512x512 textures. They appear to save with a file size  of 1025kb ( 1 byte over the maximum). 
Suggestions and wishlist / Re: Tyre heat
January 30, 2017, 11:07:28 PM
When the tires are warm at a standing start and the kart is still for several seconds it adheres to the track making taking off at the green slower. This is why you see snifter drivers rolling the kart back and forward. I think the effect is very small. Can this be easily integrated?

tires temp=optimal
velocity =0 for >3 seconds on TRK surface (not sure if effect is similar in the rain)
grip= some low mew value for .2 seconds (to simulate slow take of)

In real life super high grip like velcro in fact for that split second
Track Editing / Re: [WIP] PF international
January 27, 2017, 02:26:48 AM
Nice!  If you want some custom textures or objects let me know. I want to make a database.
This guy did something similar but matching the screw pattern alone seems insufficient. I connected Logitech for their male fitting dimensions but they wouldn't release It   Can we see your adapter?
Does your wheel have a crazy male fitting that goes into the motor shaft?  Is your boss fit in it or matches the screw pattern?