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Messages - Thomas Lemoult

Paints / Re: Birel 2013
November 17, 2012, 10:42:36 AM
I really prefer the 2011/12 ...
Paints / Re: Birel 2013
November 17, 2012, 10:35:45 AM
Suggestions and wishlist / Re: Rolling starts
September 04, 2012, 09:13:10 AM
Quote from: PiBoSo on September 02, 2012, 12:40:32 PM
Do you have suggestions to improve the rolling starts?
Some ideas:
1) only the leader has a max speed, the others can go any speed ( unless they overtake the leader )
2) those that go too slow ( or even stop ) don't get a time penalty or a DSQ, but must go to the back of the field

There could be a penalty if you don't stay close enough to the kart in front, but what happens if someone starts to run away like a maniac?
Also: if a kart goes too slow or stops, what should the others do? Overtake it?

The plan is also to add some info on screen, including a warning when approacing corridors.

I think your second suggestion is a very good idea, but in real, the leader imposes his own pace. As you can see on my personnal video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoXbsOWRrIg, the leader makes his formation lap as he wants (not too slow or too fast of course, that's obvious).
If a driver goes too slow, drivers behind him can overtake him (only if he goes slow due to a mechanical failure, if he goes slowly voluntarily, you should stay behind him, but I don't really think drivers wanna let the firsts escape at start), and if he stops, of course they can overtake him.
For drivers who go too slow or stop, they must go to the back of the field, and they don't have any penalty.
If you don't stay close enough to the kart in front, you can't have a penalty, especially if he runs like a maniac.
Track Editing / Re: Yosemite Park BETA
August 21, 2012, 10:19:25 AM
Quote from: Aritz on August 21, 2012, 10:14:24 AM
aparently I am not able to make a good PKZ file following Piboso's instructions. It should be easy, only change ZIP extension, but it doesn't work  :-\

The 2 links (.zip and .pkz) didn't work for me, but the last you gave is ok, I don't have "Connection Time Out" again :)
Track Editing / Re: Yosemite Park BETA
August 21, 2012, 09:53:38 AM
It works fine for me, while the first link didn't work ! Thanks Aritz :)
1) La Conca
2) PFI
3) Mariembourg

PiBoSo : Essay :)
very good screen Aritz :) and beautiful helmet too !
Track Editing / Re: PF International
July 07, 2012, 09:37:44 AM
looking forward to the release ! it looks perfect
Suggestions and wishlist / Re: Twist the rear axle
July 05, 2012, 09:07:43 PM
I totally broke the axle in half for me ^^ (two times)
Suggestions and wishlist / Twist the rear axle
July 04, 2012, 01:50:12 PM
Maybe in a new beta, we can twist the rear axle when we had a choc with another driver (for example) ? That can be great to have this, a bit more realistic :) (with vibrations due to this twist)
Suggestions and wishlist / Re: Tearoff
July 04, 2012, 01:45:34 PM
The tearoffs are allowed, but in internationals races, few drivers use. And I think it's forbidden to take off the tearoff in race, you can change it only in the paddocks
New screens :)

Alone !
La Conca :

Essay :
Off-Topic / Re: Post pictures of your kart!
June 24, 2012, 10:12:03 AM

Essay :

(with Roroms)

(with G.Moreau and Bean)

Lonato :
(with Bean)

Nordschleife :

Villarcayo :
(with Bean)