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Messages - JimmyFoster

Paints / Re: Paint Quality
October 09, 2014, 08:05:11 AM
yeah graphics are on high. It just seems to be with the lines ill attach a file for you to look at just a rough draft of my helmet im working on but it does it for kart skins too.
Paints / Re: Paint Quality
October 09, 2014, 07:22:16 AM
hey LauZzZn thanks for the reply. The skins I have made are from scratch I kind of just trace over the photo in photoshop and each skin has the 2048x2048 resolution but still a patchy end result
Paints / Paint Quality
October 09, 2014, 07:01:43 AM
Hey guys the quality of my paints seems to go drop heaps in game. I am saving it as tga and 24 pixels which was photoshops default then converting using the tool provided but when in game it comes out all patchy. Any ideas on what im doing wrong?