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Messages - gecervi

Hello, I have recently resumed driving with this wonderful simulator, but I realized that the view inside the cockpit is not centered in the centre, but rather off to my left, even slightly, compared to my real steering wheel, as does it center the image?, thanks
General Discussion / Re: Kart Racing Pro beta2
March 06, 2011, 12:35:04 PM
I do not work on Beta 2, when I set up everything and go into the race or test, I can not hear the audio and the kart will not move, even if the command is to move the steering wheel accelerator and brake, I have windows 7 64bit.

a me non funziona il BETA 2, quando configuro tutto ed entro in gara o in test, non sento l'audio e il kart non si muove, anche se i comandi si muovano sia il volante che accelleratore e freno, ho windows 7 64bit