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Messages - dhedhe

Track Editing / Re: Sepang International Kart Circuit
December 04, 2013, 06:35:35 AM
Glad you guys like it  ;D . I'm still learning to make a propper track. Please do drop me a feedback so I can improve the track.

I put this on my profile.ini file


But still can't find the temp.grv file after I press ctrl+g. Is there something I missed?

and how do drying tracks works?
Track Editing / Re: Sepang International Kart Circuit
December 01, 2013, 06:03:31 PM
track released, download link on page 1
aaah I get it now...thank you again PiBoSo :)
now that visual stuff r done, i need some more help

1. how to create camera set? is it in max or in editor?

2. how to add marshall n how to position them?

3. to create best line does it need just one fast lap? i did 10 laps the editor still wont import from replay

thanks before :)
december 2013 ,curently still beta testing for performance
Track Editing / Re: help again
November 22, 2013, 02:47:40 AM
Quote from: PiBoSo on November 21, 2013, 07:00:57 PM
Quote from: dhedhe on November 21, 2013, 06:01:06 PM
object with alpha texture didnt receive any shadow even with "SHAD_" prefix

This is an engine limitation: surfaces mapped with a texture with alpha do not receive shadows.

ow i see. i'll just have to find a way around it then. Thank you PiBoSo
Track Editing / help again
November 21, 2013, 06:01:06 PM
object with alpha texture didnt receive any shadow even with "SHAD_" prefix

Quote from: Snapper on November 19, 2013, 10:53:23 PM
That's really weird, I don't understand why the wires are showing in front of the roofing.
If you want to send the model and textures I can take a look at it?
BTW you shouldn't make the whole object WLLCONC... Just the pillar should be collidable.

Fixed. i was using "CK_" on the object name not the texture name *facepalm
Thanks Snapper
Track Editing / Re: help
November 19, 2013, 01:50:46 PM
Quote from: Snapper on November 19, 2013, 12:04:42 AM
Quote from: dhedhe on November 16, 2013, 09:09:11 AM
need help anybody  :-[
why the alpha didn't work properly on a "WLLCONC" object

Try using CK_ as a prefix in the texture name. CK_fence.tga for example. This will make the alpha edges sharp but should solve the sorting issue.

Nope it didnt work  :-\
Track Editing / help (solved)
November 16, 2013, 09:09:11 AM
need help anybody  :-[

why the alpha didn't work properly on a "WLLCONC" object

Track Editing / Sepang International Kart Circuit
November 07, 2013, 02:57:44 AM
Sorry  I ve been busy with other sim lately. But, here is the latest build preview driven by my good buddy Andika


the build can be downloaded here
Track Editing / Sepang International Kart Circuit
September 04, 2013, 05:25:59 AM
The track are done. :D

Videos :

Screenies :

The track can be downloaded here
The reversed track here