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December 19, 2024, 05:35:03 PM


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Messages - NicolasS Samer

A video BG remover is a valuable tool for enhancing the visual quality of your video essay. Explore video editing software or online tools that specialize in background removal. By utilizing a video BG remover, you can effectively remove or replace the background, creating a polished and visually appealing video.
Particular attention should be paid to choosing an objective, neutral tone while writing, in contrast to fictional texts, for example. Fictional texts can be subjective, and in most cases they are. In scientific texts, however, objectivity must be preserved and every thesis and every train of thought should be comprehensibly substantiated.
In addition, your own opinions should be drawn from these theses, which are supported by sources. It must be recognizable how you have come to his opinion, this must be reflected and justified. Permitted sources are, for example, professional literature, self-conducted interviews or own research. It is obligatory to use several sources and not to write your paper on the basis of only one source.

The knowledge used or acquired should also be integrated into a context that needs to be explained, depending on the subject.

In scientific papers, the form especially counts
The use of subject-related vocabulary as well as precise, one-to-one language is also a prerequisite for a good scientific essay. In addition, there is the adherence to form, for example, the citation method.

With the Harvard method, you use the source citations in a short form directly in the body text rather than in the footnotes at the bottom of the page. The full form of the source is noted at the end of the paper in the bibliography.

Even when writing the bibliography, it is a prerequisite for a good scientific text to use the correct form. Depending on the publication used, it is best to follow the following scheme: author's last name, author's first name, and year of publication. Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.

More and more academic papers are written in English
So, so writing well academically is not as easy as you might think and involves numerous formal hurdles. Even in your own language, you can get confused from time to time. In this day and age, it is also standard at some universities that academic texts should be written in English while studying. Since it is common in the scientific business to publish one's own work in English anyway, this also makes sense, after all, the studies are supposed to prepare you for a job at the university. But even if your career goal is elsewhere, in English studies or in the context of a semester abroad, you may still have to write an academic paper in English.

Tips for writing academic papers in English
Academic writing style in English differs in many ways from the English style in academic publications. Many of these differences are due to the fact that the two languages are inherently very different. This makes direct literal translations difficult.

In English, the nominal style is used. Long compound words such as chocolate making process are common and normal. In English, these words tend to be rendered in a sentence with a verb, for example, "how to make chocolate." So this is very different from English.

Also, in English, we often write and formulate very complicated and convoluted sentences. Especially in the academic world, this is virtually required in the English language. In English, rather short and clear sentences are used in an academic paper. The principle KISS, keeping it short and simple, is very helpful here as an orientation. In the English-speaking world, simple and clear writing is appreciated because it shows that the author of the text knows what he or she is talking or writing about. In English, depending on the context, it is often the other way around. This is a cultural difference between the two languages that you must not forget when translating. The same applies to the passive style in sentences, which is very popular in our language. In English, active sentences are more popular. If you're not a native speaker, it makes sense to order proofreading from outside. Start with reading paperhelp.org review to decide which writing service to choose.

Another cultural difference can be difficult when translating your own phrases: In English academic publications, wording tends to be more cautious. That is, the author formulates his conclusions and theses with cautious introductions, such as "maybe," "We hope to show that,.." (We hope to show that,..) or "it appears" (it looks like that). If one does not know this and translates one's own, usually rather directly or absolutely formulated points literally, this can be noticed negatively.

Another peculiarity of English scientific texts is the fact that the work may well be written in an exciting way. In English, on the other hand, a neutral style of writing and a calm style are required.

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